March Membership Month Q&A with James King

March Membership Month Q&A with James King

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Written by: James King, Account Executive, Earned Media, Technology, Edelman & Co-Chair, Communications & Marketing, CPRS Toronto

How long have you been a CPRS member?

I joined CPRS as a student back in October 2019 and have been a member ever since, and am quickly approaching my year and a half mark.

Why did you decide to become a CPRS member?

I first heard about CPRS during my undergraduate years at McMaster University through my roommate who was involved as a Student Representative with the Hamilton chapter. While researching details on Humber’s postgraduate public relations certificate program I stumbled upon photos of the CPRS Toronto SSC’s Passport to PR event. I quickly found myself dreaming about what a future career in the industry might look like and knew I wanted to get involved with similar initiatives once my PR journey began.

What do you hope to get from your membership?

As someone who is in the early stages of their career, I’m always curious and eager to chat with other professionals about their experiences navigating the industry, hoping to gain perspective as I reflect upon my own goals. I’m incredibly thankful that through CPRS Toronto, I’ve been able to connect with so many individuals in the PR community. I’ve gained lifelong friends and mentors who have continued to invest in my ongoing and future success, and my membership continues to provide me with access to countless resources and tools to help guide my continued learning and growth.

How did you first become interested in PR?

Mentorship has always played a huge role in my life, and I was fortunate to have a few individuals within my circle who went on to pursue careers in PR as I was completing my undergraduate education. Witnessing their professional development and looking at projects they were working on left me feeling inspired, and helped me to gain confidence to explore potential alignment with my own skills and interests. I’m very grateful to those folks for giving me the encouragement I needed to take that leap.

What is your best experience with being a co-chair for the CPRS Toronto Board?

There are so many great things I’ve enjoyed about being a co-chair for the CPRS Toronto Board of Directors. While it isn’t necessarily one particular moment or experience that stands out to me, one aspect that I’ve loved about my time as a whole is the capacity to contribute to and collaborate across a number of new initiatives, including the launch of our Instagram page, mentorship program and subcommittee. Being a co-chair allows me the opportunity to raise my hand if I want to get involved across all aspects of our chapter and develop skills that enrich my skill set, all while receiving invaluable guidance and support from my wonderful portfolio Director.

Why would you recommend new members to volunteer with the CPRS?

In the virtual world we live in these days, it can be challenging to feel connected to those around you and build meaningful relationships as you might while attending a networking event or sitting down for face-to-face time with an industry professional. CPRS has done a fantastic job at continuing to provide opportunities for members to get involved with contributing to our blog, planning professional development events and so much more. The sky’s the limit when it comes to what you can do with CPRS and I highly recommend volunteering within our chapter if you’re looking to make the most out of your membership.

What have you learned since joining the CPRS?

Since joining CPRS, I have learned that you’re never alone as you navigate what your future has in store and the endless possibilities working in this profession offers. Although there is a lot of uncertainty in our world these days, CPRS has allowed me to feel confident and supported through everything happening around me. I look forward to continuing to build out my career alongside an amazing group of talented and hardworking professionals, serving on our board and among our dedicated volunteers.

To learn more about becoming a CPRS Toronto Member, click here.

Membership Month offers include:

  • If you join in March as a new member the $50 initiation fee will be waived.
  • Lapsed members also the $50 reinstatement fee will be waived.
  • Anyone who renews/joins in March is entered into a draw for a year’s free membership!
  • Renewing members: all members who renew in March will be entered into a draw to win a $50 voucher each week.