President’s Message – March 2024

President’s Message – March 2024

338 102 Lois Marsh

Are you maximizing the benefits of your CPRS Membership?

A CPRS membership is what you make it. If you buy a membership and forget about it for the year, it is a waste of money. More importantly, it is a wasted opportunity. Used it to its full potential, a membership is an incredible tool that can propel your career.

A CPRS membership is as valuable as you make it. Simply buying a membership and neglecting it for the year would be a waste of both money and opportunities. When used to its fullest extent, a membership becomes a powerful tool that can advance your public relations career.

Here are five ways your CPRS membership can help you soar.

1. Networking

Networking plays a vital role for PR professionals, whether they are looking for their first job, considering a career change, or are content in their current role. CPRS organizes various networking events each year, providing chances to build lasting connections with peers, potential employers, key media personalities and other folks who can help you with your career. Don’t just take our word for it: According to a LinkedIn poll 80% of professionals find networking is essential to their career success.

2. Professional Development

With an estimated 6,000 active PR professionals in Canada, it can be challenging to distinguish yourself. By joining CPRS, you can set yourself apart. We offer various professional development opportunities including online seminars, webinars, and in-person events. Additionally, our website provides online resources to help you learn new skills or polish up on ones you already have. Moreover, we offer professional designations for practitioners at any career stage. These designations serve as tangible proof of knowledge, are important resume builders, demonstrate your commitment to the profession and act as building blocks to your PR and communications career.

3. CPRS Awards

Both the Toronto and National chapters host annual awards with a wide array of categories. Winning a CPRS award is another way you can differentiate yourself from peers because it is third-party validation that your work is recognized as industry leading.

4. Volunteer opportunities

All CPRS chapters operate as charitable organizations, run by passionate volunteers who are committed to strengthening our industry. We invite all our members to join us. Volunteering is an opportunity to meet and connect with peers, network, get to know industry leaders and gain valuable experience.

Check out the CPRS Toronto website to learn about more your membership benefits or reach out to our Membership Chair Sozan Mirawdaly. And remember, your membership is only as good as you make it.