Overcome your creative block: How to be creative when everything has already been seen and done?

Overcome your creative block: How to be creative when everything has already been seen and done?

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Overcome your creative block: How to be creative when everything has already been seen and done? 

Written by: Harumi Kavassaki, Graphic Designer, York University

It’s 2023 and public relations as we know is a fast-paced and creative profession that keeps you on your toes. In this case, your mind’s running a marathon. With the convenience of the internet, it feels like everything has already been seen and done. No matter what keywords you use, Google search will find millions of related articles and images. So how do we keep ourselves creative and original?

The right side of your brain is associated with stimulating creativity. However, recent studies have confirmed that the creative process begins with both sides working together on neural connections and signals. That being said, here are a few tips to stimulate the right side of your brain that may help you boost your creativity when you’re having a creative block:


That’s right. Pause. Take a short break or even a long one. Prolonged and continuous focus reduces the brain’s ability to concentrate. The same applies to spending a lot of time trying to come up with an idea. The best we can do to refresh our minds is to take a break. Focus on something else for a while – preferably on something you like to do, and when you’re back, your brain will be fresh, more oxygenated, and in return, stimulate original thoughts.


Be open and eager for new experiences! Try different foods, travel to unexplored places, listen to songs and ponder the lyrics. You will soon have acquired a long list of things that inspire you, backed by your individuality and the uniqueness of the experience. Inspiration can come from elements as simple as sounds, tastes, visuals and much more. Is there anything more unique than your own thoughts and emotions towards an experience?


The environment we’re in can have a huge impact on our emotions. We tend to feel more relaxed in places we feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe in. If your brain does not have to worry about external factors, it will work better in maintaining your trail of thought and focus. And don’t forget the time! Are you an early bird or a night owl? My best ideas come to mind as soon as my head hits the pillow. I always keep a pen and paper on my nightstand, to pen down my 1 am thoughts.

Train Your Brain:

If you use the internet wisely, it can be the best tool around. When I was an interior design student, I had to design an office space. The first thing I did was search “office designs” on Pinterest. My professor at the time encouraged me to not indulge in this instant reaction most of us have and recommended finding inspiration from something else. That way I’d force my brain to come up with something new. Think about something similar to what you were looking for, but not quite the same. Or something completely opposite. Train your brain to work with what you don’t need so you can come up with what you do need.

Every individual is unique, and creativity stems from uniqueness. Thus, at the end of the day, you will be able to determine which strategy works best for you. The sky’s the limit with innovation and creativity. Everything seen is perceived differently. The challenge lies in looking at it from your point of view.

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