150 150 Lois Marsh


JANUARY 19, 2024

Passport to PR gives you the chance to visit Toronto’s top PR firms, this event is a great opportunity to network and learn from the best people in the public relations field.

Morning Session:

9:00 am to 9:45 am     Edelman/Dove

10:40 am to 11:25 am   Talk Shop

12:15 pm to 12:45 pm   Middle Child

Afternoon Session:

2:00 pm to 2:45 pm     Proof

3:00 pm to 3:45 pm     Edery & Lord

4:45 pm to 5:30 pm     1Milk2Sugars


Morning or Afternoon Session:

Student Members $15.00

Non-Members $20.00

Full Day:

Student Members $25.00

Non-Members $30.00



150 150 Lois Marsh


FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024

Passport to PR gives you the chance to visit Toronto’s top PR firms, this event is a great opportunity to network and learn from the best people in the public relations field.

Morning Group (9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.):
Weber Shandwick/McDonald’s
Strategic Objectives
Vested Accelerator
Afternoon Group (2 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.):
Craft PR/Tim Hortons
Zeno Group


Morning or Afternoon Group:

  • Student Members $15.00
  • Non-Members $20.00

Full Day:

  • Student Members $25.00
  • Non-Members $30.00


CPRS Toronto Holiday Mixer

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CPRS Toronto Holiday Mixer

‘Tis the season for celebration! The CPRS Toronto Board of Directors invites you to our highly anticipated Holiday Mixer! Join us for an evening filled with joy, camaraderie and a cheerful atmosphere at Watson’s on Richmond Street.

Your ticket ensures an evening of delightful indulgence, covering a refreshing drink and a delectable selection of bites to nibble on. It’s an opportunity to unwind, connect with fellow members and toast to the accomplishments of the year.

Act quickly to secure your spot, as we have a limited number of tickets available. Let’s make this season memorable together.

We look forward to seeing you at Watson’s for an evening of joy and good company.

DATE:            Wednesday, December 13, 2023

TIME:             6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

LOCATION:  Watson’s, 398 Richmond Street West

COST:            $20 Members | $30 Non-members


CPRS Toronto Info Session

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CPRS Toronto Info Session

Free to all members and non-members interested in learning more about the benefits of a CPRS Toronto membership

Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.


Being a member of CPRS Toronto comes with a wealth of benefits. From professional development and networking events to access to exclusive job postings and mentorship opportunities, a CPRS membership is an incredible tool to help you elevate your public relations career.

Join us for a virtual info session to learn more about what a CPRS Toronto membership can do for you.


Andrea Chrysanthou, President, CPRS Toronto

Sozan Mirawdaly, Membership Chair, CPRS Toronto

Bunmi Adeoye, Professional Development Chair, CPRS Toronto

Julia Rim Shepard, Education Chair, CPRS Toronto

Evrim Çalt, Volunteer Chair, CPRS Toronto

Calissa Busby, President, CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee

Time: 6pm

Location:  Zoom

Cost: Free for Members and Non-Members


Harnessing Young Talent and Why Inclusion Matters

1080 1080 Lois Marsh

Harnessing Young Talent and Why Inclusion Matters

This CPRS Toronto-Veritas event looks at the importance of recognizing and harnessing young talent from different backgrounds. The panellists will also explore and share insights into how young and emerging talent can grow their skills, familiarize themselves with the Canadian media landscape and practices – and how to best grow in their career.

Date:  Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Time: 6pm

Location:  Forsman & Bodenfors Office, 340 King St East, 5th Floor (North Elevator), Toronto

Cost: Free for Members and Non-Members

2023 CPRS Toronto Mentorship Program

1920 1080 Lois Marsh

2023 CPRS Toronto Mentorship Program

The CPRS Toronto mentorship program is designed to provide opportunities, knowledge and connections to those working or interested in working in the field of public relations under the guidance of PR practitioners.

Meet our Mentors here.

Link to apply – for CPRS Toronto Student Members and Young Professionals.


Choose to Transform the Winter Blues Event

1920 1080 Lois Marsh

Choose to Transform the Winter Blues

Does the idea of tackling your bloated inbox make you want to run for the hills? Are you feeling the winter blues? Have your New Year’s resolutions already fallen to the wayside? Don’t despair!

Join notable life coach, author and speaker Carol-Ann Hamilton for an inspiring and interactive session in a safe space where she’ll provide purposeful and positive guidance to help you to not just survive, but thrive in this challenging season. Throw away the old one-size-fits-all approach of “pulling up your bootstraps” and just pushing through. Get practical tools to help build the template for long-lasting solutions. Flow with nature’s rhythms and intentionally create the next 12 months at this session. And it’s FREE!


Meet Carol-Ann Hamilton: A prolific author, committed life coach, passionate speaker and certified Reiki Master who ignites people to live deliberately.  In 2003, she soared beyond cubicle walls after a successful 25-year Organizational Development career supporting Fortune 500 and entrepreneurial leaders to foster meaningful workplaces.

Though serious eldercare issues preoccupy her as a Sandwich Generation Activist nowadays, she has never left behind her delight over enthusing clients and friends alike to unleash their potential, embodied in her motto: “Encouraging Your Greatness!”  Release stale comfort zones for the life of your dreams as evidenced by her book, Step Out of Your Sandbox!

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Time: 5:30 PM EST

Location: Zoom

Cost: Free event (Members and Non-Members)


The evolution of the influencer in PR

1200 400 Lois Marsh

May 26, 2021 – The evolution of influencers in PR

Influencers have become an integral part of relaying or enhancing client key messages for everything from brand launches to reputation management. Should you use many micro-influencers vs. a few macro-influencers? Should you be whitelisting (boosting) their paid content? What are reasonable influencer rates and how do you contextualize the vast range of fees? We’ll have answers to these questions and so much more from our panel of experts.


Krystle Ng-A-Mann, Blogger and Lawyer
IG: @dineandfash
Krystle Ng-A-Mann (also known as Dine & Fash) is a full-time content creator, lifestyle blogger, and photographer based in Toronto. She shares engaging and inspiring content with her audience that spans various topics, including food, travel, lifestyle, legal considerations for content creators, and most recently, fertility.

She worked as a lawyer in Toronto for 9 years before becoming a full-time content creator 4 years ago. This year, she has come full circle by starting her own part-time legal practice to negotiate and advise on influencer contracts on behalf of creators and agencies.

Nina Kalos, EVP, General Manager, Veritas Communications
IG: @kalosnina
Nina is an experienced and highly motivated practitioner in public relations and social engagement. In her role as EVP, General Manager, Nina uses her wealth of experience to deliver impeccable client service, building strong relationships with key stakeholders and clients. She believes we are in the ‘people business’ and that everyone is an influencer.

Whether she is searching for ways to achieve better results for her clients or driving the team forward in executing national campaigns, she is always eager to take on new challenges. Some of Nina’s experience includes clients like Kimberly Clark, Bayer, Church and Dwight, Revlon and Labatt Breweries of Canada.

Bria Weaver, Freelance PR & Marketing Consultant
IG: @briweavs

Bria is an enthusiastic, creative, and determined professional with over a decade of experience in PR, influencer marketing and content creation. She’s had the opportunity to work with fast-paced agencies and festivals to impactful not-for-profits.

A few years ago, she made the jump into freelancing and hasn’t looked back. Her entrepreneurial spirit is innate and was sparked when she launched her own food tour business to showcase local neighbourhoods in Toronto. Her tour company has since been put to rest (by a food coma) and she is currently in the process of launching an influencer tool to bring more accountability to the industry. Having a long history in digital media relations, she has an eye for identifying key influencer partnership opportunities.

Jenny Shin, President of CPRS Toronto, CEO of Milestones PR and Talent Management
IG: @jennyshinpr / @milestones_public_relations
The driving source of passion behind the team at Milestones Public Relations, Jenny has over 20 years of experience in PR and recently expanded her agency to include talent management.  She is currently President of the Canadian Public Relations Society Toronto and has been on the board for almost 15 years.

Jenny knows the value of building mutually beneficial relationships with well-known influencers, as she has headed a number of highly successful campaigns involving multiple influencers and advocated on both the agency and influencer sides. Her work as a TEDx scout and coach has acutely honed her understanding of who influences and how they influence.

Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Time: 6 p.m.

Location: via Zoom

Cost: Members $16.95

Non-members $22.60

Student members $16.95


Content marketing x public relations workshop

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April 23, 2021 – Content marketing x public relations workshop

According to HubSpot, 70 per cent of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. In this session, we will explore how and why public relations practitioners should include content marketing in their strategy.

What you will learn:

  • Lessons learned from the past year and how to reach Canadians today
  • How to choose between owned, earned, paid and shared channels
  • What content marketing is and how to integrate it into your strategy
  • Best practices for creating and distributing content on channels like Pinterest and Instagram
  • How to measure success using Media Rating Points (MRP) and digital analytics tools


Victoria Procunier, VP Sales & Marketing, Fifth Story

Victoria joined Fifth Story in 2007, taking on increased responsibility and positions of leadership through the organization’s evolution into digital advertising and content.

Working collaboratively with clients across all industries (federal government, major brands, non-profits, associations), Victoria has planned and implemented highly successful multimedia regional, national and international marketing programs.

Niharika Mohanty, Account Director, Digital Strategy at Fifth Story

Niharika has 10 years of experience in marketing communications and client relationship management. She has worked in a diverse range of industries including home goods, technology, financial services, fintech, aviation, real estate and more. She joined the Fifth Story team in May 2020 as Account Director. From developing marcom strategies to overseeing successful campaign executions as an effective client liaison, Niharika excels at ensuring smooth production of brand campaigns.

Jenny Cruxton, Director of Measurement and Analysis, Fifth Story /MRP & Director of Membership, CPRS Toronto

Prior to joining Fifth Story, MRP™ in 2010, Jenny worked for as Sr. Corporate Trainer, Cision in Sales & Marketing and Hill & Knowlton as Information Co-ordinator. She brings over 20 years of experience in PR, media monitoring/analysis and more recently social media. Jenny is a graduate of Durham College, Journalism; F.I.S University of Toronto, Information Professional as an Educator; and earned a certificate in Competitive Intelligence, Market Analysis and Benchmarking, Schulich School of Business, York University

About Fifth Story, a News Canada company: A Toronto-based content marketing agency that specializes in bringing brand stories to life across multiple channels and platforms. In business for almost 40 years, Fifth Story is the original content marketing agency delivering innovative content marketing solutions that appeal to clients’ target markets.

Date: Friday, April 23, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: Noon

Members: $20 + HST
Student Members: $15 + HST
Non-members: $30 + HST


Social Affairs Committee presents – 2021 Reset: Member Survival Guide

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April 8, 2021 – 2021 Reset: Member Survival Guide

CPRS Toronto’s Social Affairs Committee invites you to our free event called, 2021 Reset: Member Survival Guide.


Author and coach Carol-Ann Hamilton will provide tools to reset amidst the ongoing pandemic, including:

  • Career and life planning
  • Energy mastery
  • Setting intentions
  • Resetting your balance wheel

Given this event is all about you, please come prepared so Carol-Ann can provide tips:


From 2020:

  • Name your top three accomplishments
  • Name one lesson you learned personally or professionally
  • What is one thing you were grateful for last year?

Into 2021:

  • What is one thing you are letting go of as we navigate this year?
  • Identify a quality you choose to embody within 2021 (i.e., patience, resilience, courage)
  • What is something you seek to create over the next 12 months or beyond?
  • Pinpoint a challenge that could get in the way of achieving what you want

Elisabeth Axiak is the host of the Living Intentionally with Elisabeth podcast – a place for compassionate self-development. Her passion is helping you find total wellness in mind, body, and spirit by sharing thought-provoking ideas as well as easy-to-implement practices that you can start today. Instagram: @ElisabethWithAn.S



Robert Van Horne is currently an intern with Craft Public Relations. He is completing his internship to finish off his studies in the Public Relations Advanced Diploma program with Humber College.

For 20 years, Robert has worked for diverse organizations, in several management roles, including spending the last 10 years as an event planner and senior sales coordinator for the Pegasus Hospitality Group. It was throughout that time that he honed his leadership skills while developing a passion for communications.

Robert is a proud member of the LGBTQ2S+ community and hopes to continue to engage in conversations promoting inclusion and diversity in the public relations industry.

Don’t miss the draw for one complimentary session with Carol-Ann and book giveaway.

Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Cost: Free