Game changing PR campaigns that we can learn from

150 150 Lois Marsh

Game changing PR campaigns that we can learn from

Written By: Harumi Kavassaki, Graphic Designer, York University

With the rise of social media and the shift towards digital, the PR industry has undergone significant changes over the past 20 years. PR professionals have had to adapt to these changes by developing strategies that had never been seen before. Companies needed to stand out in order to engage with their audiences. Little did they know that some of their strategies were going to make a mark in the world of PR.

Here are some examples of game changing PR campaigns that have not been forgotten. They have influenced how PR professionals conduct campaigns to this day.

  1. Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty (2004): No matter how old you are, you’ve probably heard, seen or studied this campaign before. At a time where the industry imposed and ruled beauty standards, this campaign was designed to challenge the beauty industry’s narrow definition of beauty and promote self-esteem and confidence in women. The campaign featured women of all shapes, sizes and ages. It was incredibly successful in generating positive media coverage and consumer engagement.

One reason why this campaign was so successful? It was, and still is, RELATABLE.

  1. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (2014): This campaign was an absolute game changer for how social media is used in PR. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was a viral social media campaign that raised awareness and funds for ALS research. The campaign involved people pouring a bucket of ice water over their heads and challenging others to do the same, while also making a donation to ALS research. The campaign was incredibly successful, raising over $220 million for ALS research and generating millions of social media posts.

Worldwide names such as Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Justin Bieber and many more participated in the challenge, which definitely changed our perception of digital influencers, and their ability to connect with their audience. This campaign can be described as VIRAL.

  1. Share a Coke Campaign (2011): This campaign was designed to increase sales of Coca-Cola by personalising the product. The campaign involved printing people’s names on Coke bottles and cans and encouraging them to share them with friends and family. The campaign was incredibly successful in generating social media buzz and increasing sales, with Coca-Cola reporting a two per cent increase in sales during the campaign. Who didn’t buy a coke with their names just for the sake of posting it on Instagram? It was all about the PERSONALIZED

Dove, ALS Research and Coca-Cola really embraced their opportunities, audience preferences, and established a benchmark for success. By understanding why a PR campaign was successful, PR professionals can learn from the tactics and strategies used and apply these to future campaigns. This can help to improve the effectiveness of future campaigns and achieve better results.

As a consumer, Dove’s campaign touched me. The Ice Bucket Challenge drew me in. For Coca-Cola, I found great enjoyment in seeing the personal touch being added to each bottle. As a PR student, I can see how and why these campaigns achieved their objectives.

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok.!

Overcome your creative block: How to be creative when everything has already been seen and done?

150 150 Lois Marsh

Overcome your creative block: How to be creative when everything has already been seen and done? 

Written by: Harumi Kavassaki, Graphic Designer, York University

It’s 2023 and public relations as we know is a fast-paced and creative profession that keeps you on your toes. In this case, your mind’s running a marathon. With the convenience of the internet, it feels like everything has already been seen and done. No matter what keywords you use, Google search will find millions of related articles and images. So how do we keep ourselves creative and original?

The right side of your brain is associated with stimulating creativity. However, recent studies have confirmed that the creative process begins with both sides working together on neural connections and signals. That being said, here are a few tips to stimulate the right side of your brain that may help you boost your creativity when you’re having a creative block:


That’s right. Pause. Take a short break or even a long one. Prolonged and continuous focus reduces the brain’s ability to concentrate. The same applies to spending a lot of time trying to come up with an idea. The best we can do to refresh our minds is to take a break. Focus on something else for a while – preferably on something you like to do, and when you’re back, your brain will be fresh, more oxygenated, and in return, stimulate original thoughts.


Be open and eager for new experiences! Try different foods, travel to unexplored places, listen to songs and ponder the lyrics. You will soon have acquired a long list of things that inspire you, backed by your individuality and the uniqueness of the experience. Inspiration can come from elements as simple as sounds, tastes, visuals and much more. Is there anything more unique than your own thoughts and emotions towards an experience?


The environment we’re in can have a huge impact on our emotions. We tend to feel more relaxed in places we feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe in. If your brain does not have to worry about external factors, it will work better in maintaining your trail of thought and focus. And don’t forget the time! Are you an early bird or a night owl? My best ideas come to mind as soon as my head hits the pillow. I always keep a pen and paper on my nightstand, to pen down my 1 am thoughts.

Train Your Brain:

If you use the internet wisely, it can be the best tool around. When I was an interior design student, I had to design an office space. The first thing I did was search “office designs” on Pinterest. My professor at the time encouraged me to not indulge in this instant reaction most of us have and recommended finding inspiration from something else. That way I’d force my brain to come up with something new. Think about something similar to what you were looking for, but not quite the same. Or something completely opposite. Train your brain to work with what you don’t need so you can come up with what you do need.

Every individual is unique, and creativity stems from uniqueness. Thus, at the end of the day, you will be able to determine which strategy works best for you. The sky’s the limit with innovation and creativity. Everything seen is perceived differently. The challenge lies in looking at it from your point of view.

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok.!

Interview with the experts: Agency vs Corporate

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Interview with the experts: Agency vs Corporate 

Written by: Harumi Kavassaki, Graphic Designer, York University

You have completed at least your first year in a PR program, and it is time to start thinking about internship or job options. There are a number of things to consider before deciding if you’re more of an agency person, or a corporate person. There are advantages and disadvantages for both, and it will all depend on what you’re looking for.

I had a chance to speak to four communications professionals and gained a lot of insight from all of them.  Although I spoke to each of them separately, I’ll share my conversation with two of them in this blog.

What is your current role and specific tasks?

Gus: I’m an Associate with Integrated Media at Weber Shandwick. My role is mostly related to media relations with traditional digital media plus social media work, dealing with relationships with media, media pitching, influencer work, media reporting, and a lot more.

Sav: I look after all stakeholder relations, community engagement, social media, website management, and overall aspects of marketing and communications for a reputed university in New Brunswick.

Do you work with one specific industry?

Gus: No. Our agency has cross-teams that work on a variety of projects and industries. 

Sav: I work specifically for the civil engineering department and the research centre, however, I still have a wide range of day to day activities.

Do you think knowledge of the field you’re working in is necessary?

Gus: Not really. It is important to leverage whatever resources there might be from the vendor, and there is always an expert that you can learn from. Every day or week is a different project and client, and it is motivating that when I know very little about the industry, there is an opportunity to learn a lot about it.

Sav: It is definitely an asset but not something you can’t learn while being on ground. Having a supportive team is important, and once you’re in you can learn as you navigate your way through it. I say that for my last experience in the Institute of Design, as well as for my current position. 

Have you worked in a corporation/agency before? How do you compare your two experiences?

Gus: I have not worked in a corporation before. I really enjoy the agency work so far, especially the pace and the exposure, it keeps me moving in the job and I learn something new everyday. Also, it’s not always obvious what the work is going to be, or what kind of work the client wants to do.  I assume that the cross vertica branding in an agency wouldn’t be the same on a client side job.

Sav: Yes, I have experience working in both agencies and corporations. Agency life is more fast paced, and you get to work with lots of brands, speak to different kinds of media, write in different styles, all at the same time. It is also very competitive because other agencies are doing the same thing, so there is this hush of doing better. I think a major point is the balance of how much competition you want. Right now I can 100% invest myself in the brand, and it makes me fulfil my professional pursuit because I’m focused on one brand, and I can see immediate results. In agency, you may not get to see the results as much. 

Have you ever had to work on something that you didn’t agree with or that would go against your personal values? Was there an opportunity to abstain from doing this work, or delegating to someone else?

Gus: Not really. I’ve had clients where for personal alignments of values I have opted to work with/absent and these are conversations that happen in any agency. I have not heard stories of agencies that force people to do work on what they don’t believe in.  

Sav: I’ve always worked in organisations that support good causes and I’ve never had to do something that I didn’t agree with. That is why I like to do research about organizations before applying for a job, and I want to make sure I will be valued.

At the end of the day, it all depends on what you’re looking for to begin your career. I hope this blog gives you some insights and helpful tips to get started on your job search!

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok.!

The People of Passport to PR

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The People of Passport to PR

Written by: Izabella Knap


The event all the PR students have been waiting for is here! Passport to PR, which runs from today, January 24 to Thursday, January 26, will be giving aspiring PR professionals in Toronto a sneak peek into the world of our participating PR firms.

Here is our event and who will be a part of it at a glance:

Tues. Jan. 24 (Influencer Relations):

  • Veritas Communications
  • Craft PR
  • Weber Shandwick
  • APEX
  • Proof Strategies
  • MSL Canada
  • North Strategic

Weds. Jan. 25 (Government Relations & Health PR):

  • Edelman
  • Ketchum
  • Argyle

Thurs. Jan. 26 (Consumer PR):

  • Hill and Knowlton Strategies
  • Pomp & Circumstance PR
  • Strategic Objectives
  • North Strategic
  • MSL Canada
  • National Public Relations

We are excited to help Toronto’s PR students learn more about these firms. Whether you are interested in influencer relations or consumer PR, CPRS Toronto Students has designed this three-day event to help you learn more and make important connections in the industry. Truly a great opportunity to network and learn from the best people in the PR field. We hope to see you all there this week!

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok!

Passport to PR is back in person after two years

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Passport to PR is back in person after two years

Written by: Hefziba Mancilla


Recently, the CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee (SSC) announced that they are bringing back the long-awaited in-person Passport to PR event this year. If you are interested in expanding your network or learning more about the industry, this event is the place to go. Passport to PR is a three-day event where multiple PR firms showcase their work and show the students what the PR industry has to offer. It will begin today, January 24, and go until Thursday, January 26.

Influencer PR, Government Relations and Health PR, and Consumer PR are some of the major categories in the industry. This event provides an opportunity to take your pick at which industry speciality you want to learn more about. Each participating firm offers expertise in their specialised industry and are some of the leading firms in Toronto. PR in its very essence is all about ‘NETWORKING’ and meeting amazing people with a story to share. This is your chance to get an experience like no other, step into the top offices and get a snippet of life as a PR specialist.

The first day will focus on influencer PR, and with a purchased ticket you will have access to attend three different PR firms. The second day will cover government/health PR, with three firms participating that day, including Ketchum, Edelman and Argyle.

Lastly, we have consumer PR on Thursday, January 26. If you are interested in the business communication field, this is the day to go, as it will be a jam-packed day with your choice to attend three different PR firms.

Passport to PR gives you the chance to visit Toronto’s top PR firms, whether you are passionate about social media or government/health PR there is something for everyone.  This event is truly a great opportunity to network and learn from the best people in the public relations field.  Don’t miss the chance to network and grow. See you all there!




Life of a PR student: A quick guide to organizing your busy schedule

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Life of a PR student: A quick guide to organizing your busy schedule

Written by: Juby George, Secretary, CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee, Centennial College.

Oh! How will I complete all these assignments, quizzes and presentations? Do you ever find yourself asking this question? Do you ever feel like too much is going on in your life? If you answered yes, then this is the article for you! You might be overwhelmed or stressed out by the amount on your plate, but all that can be amended by creating a schedule and learning to manage your time.

  1. Understand your time

No two humans are alike, and as a result, no two people require the same amount of time to complete an activity. So, before preparing lists and plans, it is helpful to understand how long it takes to finish a task. The question then becomes: how would I know that? Well, it’s pretty easy. Set a timer when doing an assignment and make a note of the time. This understanding will assist you in the next step.

  1. Plan ahead and make lists

Now that you know how long your tasks take you to complete, you are ready to start organizing your planners and to-do lists. Having a dedicated organizer is the most effective way to manage your time and increase productivity. Would you believe me if I told you that planners and to-do lists can improve your mental health? Well, you should because they do! Tracking your schedule, crossing off completed tasks, and accomplishing short term goals all release dopamine which is known to improve your mood and help you focus. As an added bonus, they also help you get stuff done! Prioritization is key, and when preparing your weekly planner or to-do list for the day, it is best to complete the most crucial tasks first. Now the question is: What are some effective ways to prepare planners and to-do lists?

  • Sticky notes. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a classic; these have survived the test of time for a reason. You can write each of your tasks on a different note and order them from most to least important. Their versatility allows you to rearrange the order as new tasks are added to your list.
  • Digital tools. Mobile applications like Google calendar, Evernote, and Todoist allow users to stay organized on the go. You may not always have a pen and paper on you, but chances are your phone always is.
  • Custom planners. Having a planner organized in a way that works for your needs can be a huge asset. There are templates available on Canva and other graphic design platforms.
  • Bonus tip: separate work from daily life. Having dedicated planners for school, work, housework, and passion projects allows you to stay focused and reduces stress.
  1. Breakdown tasks
    When you are given larger tasks, it is always good to break the tasks down into smaller, manageable pieces or chunks. After breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, you can work for 30-40 minutes each day on them. You need to look at the big picture and have a plan to stay on track. By doing this, you can complete your large tasks easily without stressing yourself out. You can also make use of the Pomodoro technique for effective time management. The Pomodoro technique involves dividing tasks into 25-minute chunks, followed by a 5-minute break. If that doesn’t work for you, there are other similar techniques you can make use of instead. You can refer to the Instagram post by CPRS students here to learn more about it.

Bonus tip: Complete your tasks early to allow time for a final review. This final review can reduce the number of errors and typos in your work.

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok.!

CPRS Toronto – Call for Board Members

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Call For Board Members

The CPRS Toronto Board is still in search of new board members to serve as Professional Development and Sponsorship Chairs.

If you are interested in building your resume and volunteering your time with the organization, please contact Lois Marsh at:

Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS), Toronto Chapter Celebrates an Evening of Excellence in Communications at the 2022 Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards Ceremony 

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Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS), Toronto Chapter Celebrates an Evening of Excellence in Communications at the 2022 Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards Ceremony 

TORONTO, July 21, 2022 – Last night, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Toronto chapter celebrated Toronto’s most talented and innovative public relations and communications practitioners at the annual Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards Ceremony. Taking place virtually this year, the awards showcased outstanding work in the practice of public relations, receiving 147 high-caliber submissions from a variety of agencies, corporations, individuals and not-for-profits in the Greater Toronto Area.

“I would like to give a big congratulations to the many winners and finalists at this year’s ACE Awards,” said Nancy MacMillan, President, CPRS Toronto Chapter. “The ACE Awards is one of CPRS Toronto’s most exciting nights of the year, and it was a great honour to be surrounded by an incredible group of inspiring practitioners.”

The ACE Awards highlight skill, innovation, and intelligence within the public relations and communications industry. The awards recognize communications campaigns in diverse categories including events, media relations, digital media, healthcare and diversity, equity, and inclusion. This full presentation celebrating the winners in each category can be found here.

“We would also like to acknowledge and express gratitude towards our dedicated volunteers as well as this year’s sponsor, McMaster-Syracuse MCM Program. Without their support, the ACE Awards would not be possible,” said MacMillan.

The 2022 ACE Award recipients included: 

Finalists, Best Campaign of the Year 

  • Craft Public Relations and Earth’s Own; The Plant Challenge
  • Mint Agency and UM Canada; Her for She
  • Proof Strategies and Audible; Audible Indigenous Writers’ Circle

Finalists, Best Creative Campaign of the Year 

  • IKEA Canada and Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Proud to Play
  • Jake’s House and Edelman Canada; Introducing the ASD Band
  • Zeno Group Canada and Barilla Canada; Barilla Pastaport

Best Integrated Communications Campaign, COVID-related

  • Gold – LABOUR; WeRPN Nursing During COVID-19
  • Silver – Insurance Bureau of Canada, Paradigm and, True Media Canada; Pandemic Assistance for Small Businesses
  • Bronze – Deborah Wilson, Jessica Pellerin, Louise Brooks; Billy Bishop Airport-Restart & Reassure

Best Use of Media Relations, COVID-related

  • Silver – LABOUR; WeRPN Nurding During COVID-19
  • Silver – Kaiser & Partners and ADP Canada; Workplace Insight Surveys
  • Bronze – LifeWorks and Kaiser & Partners; Mental Health Index Campaign

Brand Development Campaign of the Year 

  • Gold – Upfield Canada and Edelman; Oat Yes We Did! Becel® with Oat Beverage
  • Silver – APEX PR and BIC; BIC Gel-ocity Back-to-School Campaign
  • Silver – Town of Whitby; 2022 Budget Community Engagement
  • Bronze – LifeWorks and Kaiser & Partners Inc.; Morneau Shepell Rebrand to LifeWorks
  • Bronze – Coke Canada Bottling and Middle Child; Coke Canada Bottling Local Bottler Campaign
  • Bronze – The PR Department and Radiant; ShareWord Global Brand Launch
  • Bronze – Narrative and Volvo Car Canada; World Free Car Day

Community Relations Campaign of the Year

  • Gold – Agnostic and Metro Ontario; Lincoln Heights Store Re-Opening
  • Bronze – Coke Canada Bottling and Middle Child; Coke Canada Bottling Holiday Truck Tour

Canadian Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Campaign of the Year 

  • Gold – Proof Strategies and Audible; Audible Indigenous Writers’ Circle
  • Gold – Jake’s House and Edelman Canada; Introducing the ASD Band
  • Bronze – Crayola Canada and Argyle; #MyColour
  • Bronze – Veritas and Labatt Breweries of Canada; #TapeOutHate

CSR or Cause-Related Campaign, Best 

  • Gold – Jake’s House and Edelman Canada; Introducing The ASD Band
  • Silver – Canadian Red Cross; Be That Someone
  • Silver – Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; RMHC National Cookie Day
  • Silver – San Pellegrino and Strategic Objectives; San Pellegrino Chef Collective
  • Silver – Canadian Cancer Society and Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Canadian Cancer Society’s Dry Feb
  • Bronze – Carol Levine, Stephanie Engel, energi PR Jewish General Hospital Foundation; Le Week-end Pour Combattre Le Cancer

Digital Communications Campaign of the Year 

  • Gold – Mint Agency and UM Canada; Her For She
  • Bronze – Climate Proof Canada and Paradigm; It takes both offence and defence to win
  • Bronze – Proof Strategies and NGen; Careers of the Future
  • Bronze – Golin and Arterra Wines Canada; Turning Wines into Wins with Wine Rack

Employee Engagement / Internal Communications Campaign of the Year 

  • Gold – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; Elevate McDonald’s Employee Engagement
  • Bronze – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; MyMcDonald’s Rewards

Employee Engagement / Internal Communications Campaign Of the Year, COVID-related

  • Silver – Kaiser & Partners and CDW Canada; CDW Canada Internal Communications

Government Relations / Public Affairs Campaign of the Year

  • Gold – Climate Proof Canada and Paradigm; It Takes Both Offense and Defense To Win
  • Silver – Royal LePage and North Strategic; Solving Canada’s Housing Supply Crisis
  • Bronze – GE Hitachi and Argyle; Small Footprint, Big Impact

Healthcare Campaign of the Year

  • Gold – Baycrest, Hill + Knowlton Strategies, BBDO and Hearts & Science; Baycrest Fear No Age
  • Silver – GSK and Edelman; Advil’s #AfterMyShot/#ApresMonVaccin
  • Bronze – LABOUR; WeRPN Nursing During COVID-19

Healthcare Campaign of the Year, COVID-related

  • Gold – LABOUR; WeRPN Nursing During COVID-19

Human Resource or Benefits Campaign, Best

  • Silver – Proof Strategies and Canadian Red Cross; Be That Someone

Investor / Financial Relations Campaign of the Year

  • Silver – Kaiser & Partners and Sleep Country Canada; Showcasing Sleep Country’s Strategy

Media Relations, Best Use of (Under $50,000)

  • Gold – IKEA Canada and Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Green Friday
  • Gold – Royal LePage and North Strategic; Solving Canada’s Housing Supply Crisis
  • Gold – Veritas and Labatt Breweries of Canada; This Game Is For Us All
  • Gold – Craft Public Relations and Tim Hortons; The Launch of Timbiebs in Canada
  • Silver – LABOUR; WeRPN Nursing During COVID-19
  • Silver – Kaiser & Partners and LHH Canada; LHH Canada Labour Force Survey
  • Silver – Briar Wells Cisco Canada and Agnostic; Cisco Canada Hybrid Work Index
  • Silver – Novo Nordisk Canada and Argyle; Don’t Put Your Health on Hold
  • Bronze – energi PR and Canadian Cancer Society; World Cancer Day
  • Bronze – Pomp & Circumstance; Ontario Beef 2021 Media Relations
  • Bronze – Craft Public Relations; Canadian Launch of Big Brain Academy

Media Relations, Best Use of (Over $50,000)

  • Gold – Interac Corp. and Hill+Knowlton Strategies; The Feel-Good Phenomenon
  • Gold – Craft Public Relations and News Media Canada; National Newspaper Week 2021
  • Gold – LifeWorks and Kaiser & Partners; Mental Health Index Campaign
  • Gold – McCormick Canada; Get Outside with Club House
  • Silver – NATIONAL Public Relations; A Breath in the Sky
  • Bronze – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; Drive Thru Say I Do
  • Bronze – APEX PR; Mydoh App Media Relations Award
  • Bronze – Mint Agency and UM Canada; Her For She
  • Bronze – Pomp & Circumstance; Park Hyatt Toronto Re-Opening
  • Bronze – Crayola Canada and Argyle; #MyColour
  • Bronze – Porter Novelli Canada; Forward Together
  • Bronze – RE/MAX Canada; Liveability and Realtor Professionalism

Marketing Communications Campaign of the Year

  • Gold – Craft Public Relations and Earth’s Own; The Plant Challenge
  • Gold – Proof Strategies and Canadian Red Cross; Be That Someone
  • Gold – Craft Public Relations; Creating the Tim Hortons Holiday Bear
  • Gold – Walmart Canada and APEX PR; 2021 Walmart BTS Campaign
  • Gold – Zeno Group Canada and Barilla Canada; Barilla Pastaport
  • Gold – Proof Strategies and NGen; Careers of the Future
  • Silver – PRAXIS; Launch of Black Bowmore DB5 1964
  • Silver – Slips, Trips and Falls Campaign Team; Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board
  • Silver – Walmart Canada and APEX PR; 2021 Walmart Apparel Campaign
  • Silver – UPS Canada and Argyle; Come Back Strong
  • Bronze – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; MyMcDonald’s Rewards
  • Bronze – Electrical Safety Authority and Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Powerline Safety
  • Bronze – The PR Department and Breakthrough Communications; Amarula’s National Cookie Exchange
  • Bronze – Agnostic and Truss Beverage Co.; Local Cannabis Beverage Outlet
  • Bronze – Government of Northwest Territories and Argyle; Speak the Tooth
  • Bronze – Warner Bros. Pictures Canada: Sandy Power and Christopher Lewchuk ; The Matrix Resurrections
  • Bronze – Pomp & Circumstance; She’s Mercedes Power Suit Project

New Product or Service Launch Campaign of the Year

  • Gold – Craft Public Relations; Monogram x Patrick Kriss Partnership
  • Gold – Craft Public Relations; Introducing the Impossible Whopper to Canada
  • Gold – IKEA Canada with Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Proud to Play
  • Silver – Zoglo’s and Strategic Objectives; Relaunch of Zoglo’s
  • Silver – APEX PR; Mydoh App New Product Launch of the Year
  • Silver – LifeWorks and Kaiser & Partners; AbilitiCBT Pandemic Program Launch
  • Bronze – SodaStream and Edelman; Bublé Drops
  • Bronze – Veritas and Labatt Breweries of Canada; Bud Light Seltzer Launch

Publication, Best

  • Bronze – Kaiser & Partners, Scott Newlands Design and Sleep Country Canada; 2020 Annual Report

Student Public Relations Campaign or Event of the Year, Executed

  • Bronze – Eleanor Willner-Fraser, Monika Haresh, Kathy Yang, Sevdia Rama and Natalia Franco, Centennial College; Face-to-Face February

Student Public Relations Communications Plan of the Year

  • Silver – Luxshana Sivaneswaran and Gustavo Lopes; 100 Sweaty Sweats
  • Silver – Chiara Silo, Daniela Biggart, Dhruvy Rawal, Karson Simpson and Nicholas Li; PR: Shaping the Future
  • Bronze – Ama Asamoah, Kathleen Bennet, Sara Hopkinson, Amanda Serpa and Sasha Sheludko, Humber College; Madawaska Adventures Communication
  • Bronze – Amanda Cheung; Arielle Rodrigues, Addy Sison, Albina Sufaj, Javier Pardo, Centennial College; The Women We Know

Special Events or Experiential Marketing, Best Use of

  • Gold – Veritas and Labatt Breweries of Canada; This Game Is For Us All
  • Silver – Kia Canada and Strategic Objectives; #KiaElectricSound
  • Silver – Warner Bros. Pictures Canada: Sandy Power and Christopher Lewchuk; The Matrix Resurrections
  • Bronze – Narrative and KITKAT Chocolatory; Made 4 U

Social Media Campaign, Best, and/or Influencers, Best Use of

  • Gold – Craft Public Relations and Tim Hortons; The Launch of Cold Brew
  • Silver – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; McDonald’s From Home
  • Silver – ruckus Digital; Taste of the Tropics
  • Silver – ruckus Digital and DoorDash, Inc.; DoorDash Partnership Marketing Campaign
  • Silver – APEX PR and Levi’s® Canada; Levi’s® Canada Ambassador Program
  • Silver – SodaStream and Edelman; Bublé Drops
  • Bronze – McDonald’s Canada and Weber Shandwick Canada; Smarties McFlurry
  • Bronze – ruckus Digital; DoorDash Courageous Conversations
  • Bronze – Golin and PetSmart Canada; Introducing the PetSmart Pawsse

Writing, Best

  • Silver – Kaiser & Partners and SecureKey; Frontiers in Blockchain

CPRS Toronto Leadership awards

  • Lois Marsh Award – Jenny Shin, Milestones Public Relations
  • Volunteer of the Year – Mahlet Sintayehu
  • PR professional of the Year – Lisa Pasquin, Craft Public Relations
  • Student of the Year – Kathy Yang, Centennial College


About CPRS

Founded in 1948, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Toronto Local Society is a not-for-profit association of professionals dedicated to the practice, management and teaching of public relations and communications. Comprising 13 local societies, CPRS’ mission is to build a national public relations and communications management community through professional development and accreditation, collaboration with thought leaders, a commitment to ethics and a code of professional standards, advocacy for the profession, and support to members at every stage of their careers.

Show & Tell: A quick guide on how to build a knockout portfolio

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Written by: Dhruvy Rawal, Blog Manager, Centennial College 

First impressions matter 

Often, a great way to get an employer’s attention is by sharing your best work with them. Especially for budding PR professionals, demonstrating your value by presenting a well-put-together portfolio can greatly pique a recruiter’s interest. 

Even before you make it to the interview stage, the first impression that your resumes and portfolios form can be a deciding factor on if you’ll land the job. So here are some tips that’ll help you along the way in creating an impressive portfolio!

How to design an impressive portfolio 

The platform

  • When creating your first portfolio, user-friendly portfolio designing websites like Wix and Strikingly are great options. You can create a digital portfolio within minutes, which stays preserved on your website for a long time and is easy to share and edit.  

Introduce yourself 

  • Not everyone knows who you are (yet)! Dedicating a part of your home page to a short summary about who you are and what you do is a good place to start. 

Get creative 

  • Designing portfolios can be super fun – as you get to experiment with different templates, layouts, design elements, and fonts. Get creative and let your personality reflect in your portfolio. Having said that, do remember that it is going to be viewed by employers, so keep it professional.

Portfolio content 

  • When it comes to showcasing your work and creativity, the sky is the limit. If you’re starting out in the industry, don’t hesitate in including your schoolwork in the portfolio, as long as you feel it is something worthy of sharing with an employer.
  • Written samples such as news releases, communications plans, media pitches, and blogs are a great addition for PR students, as they display your core writing skills.
  • You can also share your best photographs, social media posts, podcasts, and videos you may have created with your peers.
  • You can include unpublished work too, just remember to give credit where credit’s due though!

Sharing your work 

  • Creating a portfolio is just the beginning. What matters is you driving visibility by including your portfolio link in the resume. By doing this, you make your work easily accessible to recruiters and future employers, who now have a fair idea of your potential and capabilities.

Last thoughts

It takes time, effort, and constant updates for your portfolio to look sharp and client-ready. But once you put in the work, it’ll greatly help you in making a memorable first impression – and place you higher up on the recruitment ladder! 

To keep up with all things SSC, follow @CPRSstudents on TwitterInstagramTik Tok.!

Media and Media Relations in 2022: Predictions and Trends

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Submitted with credits to The Business Wire Global Media Relations Team (CPRS Toronto Sponsor)

COVID-19 and the resulting shifts in the labour market have undoubtedly impacted media and the media relations landscape. 

Our global media relations team identified these eight notable trends in journalism for the year ahead: 

  • The rise of hybrid events
  • Importance of strong relationships with journalists
  • DEI, Culture Awareness, and Transparency
  • AI and data journalism
  • Growth of newsletters and podcasts
  • The role of social media in news media
  • Brand citizenship and continued corporate social responsibility
  • More focus on resources to support journalists

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