Choose to Transform the Winter Blues Event

Choose to Transform the Winter Blues Event

1920 1080 Lois Marsh

Choose to Transform the Winter Blues

Does the idea of tackling your bloated inbox make you want to run for the hills? Are you feeling the winter blues? Have your New Year’s resolutions already fallen to the wayside? Don’t despair!

Join notable life coach, author and speaker Carol-Ann Hamilton for an inspiring and interactive session in a safe space where she’ll provide purposeful and positive guidance to help you to not just survive, but thrive in this challenging season. Throw away the old one-size-fits-all approach of “pulling up your bootstraps” and just pushing through. Get practical tools to help build the template for long-lasting solutions. Flow with nature’s rhythms and intentionally create the next 12 months at this session. And it’s FREE!


Meet Carol-Ann Hamilton: A prolific author, committed life coach, passionate speaker and certified Reiki Master who ignites people to live deliberately.  In 2003, she soared beyond cubicle walls after a successful 25-year Organizational Development career supporting Fortune 500 and entrepreneurial leaders to foster meaningful workplaces.

Though serious eldercare issues preoccupy her as a Sandwich Generation Activist nowadays, she has never left behind her delight over enthusing clients and friends alike to unleash their potential, embodied in her motto: “Encouraging Your Greatness!”  Release stale comfort zones for the life of your dreams as evidenced by her book, Step Out of Your Sandbox!

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Time: 5:30 PM EST

Location: Zoom

Cost: Free event (Members and Non-Members)