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As public relations practitioners, we build relationships so we can invoke change – to affect outputs, outcomes and business results.  According to Hon and Grunig (1999)1: Outputs are usually the immediate results of a particular PR program, often in the form of media coverage, awareness and exposure;   Outcomes: measure whether target audience groups actually received, paid attention to, understood and retained the messages; Business results are commonly recognized as effects that make a direct contribution toward the organization’s goals and objectives.

One go-to tactic is media relations – measuring output success with volume, key message placement, share of voice and tonality. What about the results that are not covered by mainstream media – that are targeted to smaller audiences or issues we want to remain out of the headlines?

We want to recognize your hard work in these areas.  Apply for an Ace Award.
•    Employee Engagement / Internal Communications Campaign of the Year
Purpose: Recognizes exemplary employee engagement and/or internal communication programs that improved employee-management relations, strengthened employee communities and/or successfully administered change management.

•    Investor / Financial Relations Campaign of the Year Purpose: Recognizes outstanding communications work targeted toward investors, shareholders and other financial audiences.

•    Crisis or Issues Management Campaign of the Year Purpose: Recognizes effective crisis and/or issues management work through the use of strategic public relations.
