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Spotlighting Danielle Kelly, Volunteer of the Year

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Written by: Tatiana Ilunga

Danielle achieved her APR designation in 2010 and has since been a visible proponent of the program. She has been a great advocate for the APR designation, often vouching for qualified applicants to cull them into the family of APR designates. As CPRS Toronto’s Accreditation Chair, Danielle demonstrated an authentic belief that accreditation was an important step toward enhancing the profession of public relations as a whole and she imparted this upon her 2018-2019 cohort. 

The job of Accreditation Chair goes beyond organizing meetings and providing resources. It also includes hours of marking numerous test exams, reviewing work samples and crafting questions to guide study sessions on topics such as ethics, media relations, social media and stakeholder relations, to name a few.

Danielle is an advocate for volunteering in a field of interest to learn the ropes on that industry. Her journey began with a short conversation with a CPRS member who encouraged and invited her to her first board meeting where she appreciated the energy of the people and how inclusive the team was. She acknowledges that volunteering gave her experience that wasn’t always available in her other positions and it opened up a network that allowed her to get referrals for certain jobs.

Danielle mentions that volunteering should not interfere with your fulltime job. It is important to inform your organization about your personal involvement and how you propose to be most efficient at work in order to keep your employer pleased too. CPRS has a number of individuals connected in any formal discipline you might be interested in from government to non-profits that can point you in the right direction.

Advice to students and recent graduates:

“You are a novice to the field of public relations, for which volunteering brings an opportunity to show potential employers that you have dedication and perspective on the industry you are interested in. Even though you are not earning from it, you are learning the real-time issues and how to handle them alongside building relationships that will give you benefit in the future.”

In closing, Danielle states you get what you put in and also the opportunity to make friends who can guide you on your career path too. Choose organizations and industries that interest you and start building from there.

Learn more about the annual ACE Awards program and submission requirements.

Spotlighting Jessica Rabaey, Young Public Relations Professional of the Year

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Written by: Tatiana Ilunga

As the Director of Communications & Marketing on the CPRS Toronto board, Jessica has proven to be a strong team player who has elevated the organization’s social media presence and reach since joining the team. Her contributions to internal and external communications have led to stronger connections being formed between CPRS Toronto and its stakeholders.

Jessica demonstrates excellent leadership qualities by mentoring student volunteers and teaching them foundational skills to help them break into the communications profession. Her work ethic and commitment to the organization are apparent by her willingness to consistently step up and support her teammates whenever they need her help.

In an interview about her recent CPRS Toronto ACE award for Young Public Relations Professional of the Year, under 30 category, Jessica expressed how supportive the CPRS Toronto team has been during her time with the organization and that her engagement with the community has contributed to her professional growth in the public relations industry. 

In the three years since completing Humber College’s graduate public relations program, Jessica has applied storytelling techniques to encourage audience engagement in the private and public sector organizations she has worked for.

Jessica views mentorship as a good platform to learn from experienced leaders.

“I’ve been lucky enough to meet some incredible people early on in my career. My mentors haven’t just offered me valuable career advice, they’ve also supported me along the way.”

Jessica believes it’s important to pass along what she’s learned to public relations students who are entering the industry:

“I always tell new grads to focus on developing relationships with people in an industry that piques their interest. Be confident enough to introduce yourself and showcase what you can bring to the table.”

Jessica offers more advice for those who are looking to start a career in public relations:  

  1. Never be afraid to approach other professionals in the industry
  2. Develop your personal brand and sell it
  3. Show your strengths and be confident about what you have to offer     

Learn more about the annual ACE Awards program and submission requirements.

NEWS RELEASE: CPRS Toronto announces Best Public Relations Campaign of the Year and Best Creative Campaign of the Year

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TORONTO – Sept. 22, 2020 – The Canadian Public Relations Society Toronto (CPRS Toronto) is proud to announce the winners of its prestigious Achievement in Communications Excellence (ACE) awards for public relations campaigns executed in 2019. ruckus Digital and Husqvarna Canada have been awarded the Best Public Relations Campaign of the Year for their memorable work on the Husqy Squad Influencer Campaign. Weber Shandwick and Mondelez International were honoured as the winner of Best Creative Campaign of the Year for their creative flair and passion behind the Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo Bar PALentine’s Day Campaign. 

“Executing a stand-out public relations campaign is a tough challenge and, as such, CPRS Toronto is proud to recognize the dedication, expertise and sheer hard work of our deserving winners,” said Jenny Shin, President, CPRS Toronto. “I would like to wish them the best of luck for the future and congratulate them on their win in this prestigious awards program.”

The naming of the Best Public Relations Campaign and Best Creative Campaign represents the final step in CPRS Toronto’s ACE Awards program. The annual ACE Awards celebrate the skill, innovation and intelligence that are the hallmark of the public relations and communications industry in Toronto. From the many original ACE entries submitted by agencies, corporations and government departments across the Greater Toronto Area, a panel of senior public relations practitioners narrowed down the selections to eventually determine the winners of the two awards announced today.  

“The quality of the campaigns resulted in significant deliberation for the judges this year,” said Anne Marie Males, Chair, ACE Awards. “The work shown during the virtual presentations of the eight finalists really represents the best of Toronto public relations.”

The finalists for the Best Campaign and/or Best Creative Campaign of 2019 are as follows:

Finalists, Best Creative
  • Weber Shandwick Canada and Mondelez Canada; Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo Bar PALentine’s Day
  • Agnostic & Metro Ontario; Metro Supports Local
  • Craft Public Relations; Mott’s Fruitsations Buy a Cup, Give a Cup
Finalists, Best in Show
  • Kaiser Lachance Communications & ADP Canada; ADP Canada’s Workplace Insight Studies
  • SecureKey Technologies & Kaiser Lachance Communications; Verified.Me Launch
  • ruckus Digital & Husqvarna Canada; Husqy Squad Influencer Campaign
Finalists, Best Creative and Best in Show
  • Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick; Canadian Tire Own The Water
  • McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day

View the complete list of this year’s ACE Award winners at 


About CPRS

Founded in 1948, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) is a not-for-profit association of professionals dedicated to the practice, management and teaching of public relations and communications. Comprising 14 local societies, CPRS’ mission is to build a national public relations and communications management community through professional development and accreditation, collaboration with thought leaders, a commitment to ethics and a code of professional standards, advocacy for the profession and support to members at every stage of their careers.

Does PR have a diversity problem?

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A look at Black female representation in PR

Written by: Sharlyn Carrington, Founder & Director, Content Strong by CONTENTEVENTS

Everyone is finally talking about diversity and particularly anti-Black racism. Hundreds of days worth of protests have emboldened this conversation. 

The people want to know more about the composition of teams, specific actions to address race-based barriers and how leaders are taking steps to make concrete changes. Organizations are increasingly under the spotlight to demonstrate action on these issues, and they’re looking to communicators to give guidance on how to engage in dialogue. Increasingly they’re noticing what I noticed a few years ago, their communications teams are not diverse. 

In 2018, I researched whether there was a lack of Black women in public relations, and if so, what was keeping them out. Limited research about Canadian public relations led me to draw on data from the U.S. which uncovered four key insights: 

PR’s image is lily-white

A study conducted on movies and TV over a 15-year period showed women in public relations were portrayed as attractive, social, stylish, and mostly, if not all, white. 

Studies on reputation and image made it clear:

If we only see one image of the ideal public relations practitioner, we become programmed to believe the field is only for that one type of person.

This common reputation, image and identity can greatly impact the way PR is valued as a business function.

PR teams are not diverse

  • PR teams are mostly composed of white females, yet leadership teams are largely male.
  • Disparities are even more obvious when it comes to racial and ethnic groups.
  • Practitioner demographics don’t proportionately reflect the diversity of the country.
  • Black women are underrepresented in senior management.

Gender and racial barriers still exist

  • Women account for more than two-thirds of all practitioners, yet still make an average of 6 per cent less than male practitioners. 
  • Factors like ethnicity and race impact where women are placed in the gender-power scheme, where white women are placed higher than others.
  • Black women face dual discrimination, are more likely to be in worst situations when it comes to job level, income, security and satisfaction, and overall have more barriers that exclude them from getting promoted.
  • Although discrimination is of course a barrier, so too is a lack of Black role models and mentors to emulate, learn from, or create support groups with.

Diversity is vital

  • There should be as much diversity inside the organization as there is outside for the organization to be the most effective. 
  • When organizations or in this case PR, neglects to embrace diversity it can miss huge opportunities not only to reach diverse publics, but it can become more vulnerable to possible crises. 

Study participants

I privately interviewed 21 Black female practitioners about working in Ontario PR. Participants worked mostly in intermediate and middle management levels, in a range of industries, between the ages of 31 and 54 years old. 


Mentors: Most participants had mentors, but many were not Black, and those that were, did not work in public relations.

Inclusivity: Participants felt PR was not inclusive, it was white-dominated, and many told stories not of explicit exclusion, but of a knowledge that they were not “part of the club.”

Barriers: Many cited being held back by managers, discrimination, and motherhood as barriers to their advancement.

Covert racism: Participants described that their experiences with racism were mostly not direct, yet they experienced microaggressions; subtle, engrained, and unconscious biases; and having felt they were discriminated against, but couldn’t prove it.

Code-switching: Participants described being held to a higher standard; having to suppress their voice as to avoid the “angry Black stereotype;” and changing their hairstyle and wardrobe in response to negative comments, microaggressions, direct sabotage and to appear non-threatening. 

Mostly white leadership: Almost all spoke about their organizational leaders being mostly white, and therefore not having a comfortable space to talk about their race-salient experiences.

Deterrents: Participants mentioned a lack of Black role models, leaders, and professors, and not having the right network as deterrents to entering PR.

The bottom line

The reputation of and representation within PR is narrow and could be deterring black women as they may not consider it a field with which to enter and excel.

All participants agreed, diversity is vital to the effectiveness and credibility of PR. Therefore, it’s crucial to encourage more people of all races to pursue careers in the practice and to create spaces where diverse practitioners feel safe, included and empowered to do their jobs effectively.

Sharlyn is a storyteller and strategist with 12 years of experience in communications, marketing, and events. She’s held a myriad of fast-paced roles advising five Ontario ministries and 12 Cabinet ministers, leading a team of advisors for two Premiers’ offices, conducting media relations for tech and lifestyle clients, and writing and leading operations for a lifestyle magazine. She holds a Master’s degree in Communications Management from McMaster University, (for which this research was conducted), and from concept to design she is now running a content strategy and copywriting business.


1 Pompper, D. (2005). Multiculturalism in the public relations curriculum: Female African American
practitioners' perceptions of effects. The Howard Journal of Communications, 16, 295-316.
Kern-Foxworth, M. (1989). Status and roles of minority public relations practitioners. Public Relations
Review, 15(3), 39-47.
2 Brown, K. A., White, C., & Waymer, D. (2011). African-American students’ perceptions of public
relations education and practice: Implications for minority recruitment. Public Relations Review, 37(5),
3 Appelbaum, L., Southerland, E., & Walton, F. (2014). An examination of factors affecting the success of under-represented groups in the public relations profession. Retrieved from
4 Jiang, H., Ford, R., Long, P., & Ballad, D. (2015). Diversity and inclusion: A summary of the current status and practices of Arthur W. Page Society members. Retrieved from
5 Austin, L. L. (2010). Framing diversity: A qualitative content analysis of public relations industry
publications. Public Relations Review, 36(3), 298-301.
6 Hong, S., & Len-Riós, M. E. (2015). Does race matter? Implicit and explicit measures of the
effect of the PR spokesman's race on evaluations of spokesman source credibility and perceptions of a PR crisis' severity. Journal of Public Relations Research, 27(1), 63-80.

7 Pompper, D. (2004). Linking ethnic diversity & two-way symmetry: Modeling female African American practitioners’ roles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(3), 269-299.
8 Grunig, L. A., Toth, E. L., & Hon, L. C. (2000). Feminist values in public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 12(1), 49-68.
Pompper, D. (2004). Linking ethnic diversity & two-way symmetry: Modeling female African American practitioners’ roles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(3), 269-299.
9 Austin, L. L. (2010). Framing diversity: A qualitative content analysis of public relations industry
publications. Public Relations Review, 36(3), 298-301.
10 Vardeman-Winter, J., & Place, K. R. (2017). Still a lily-white field of women: The state of workforce diversity in public relations practice and research. Public Relations Review, 43(2), 326-336.

11 Vardeman-Winter, J., & Place, K. R. (2017). Still a lily-white field of women: The state of workforce diversity in public relations practice and research. Public Relations Review, 43(2), 326-336.
Logan, N. (2011). The white leader prototype: A critical analysis of race in public relations. Journal of
Public Relations Research, 23(4), 442-457.
Pompper, D. (2004). Linking ethnic diversity & two-way symmetry: Modeling female African American practitioners’ roles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(3), 269-299.
12 Appelbaum, L., Southerland, E., & Walton, F. (2014). An examination of factors affecting the success of under-represented groups in the public relations profession. Retrieved from,
Len-Rios, M.E. (1998). Minority public relations practitioner perceptions. Public Relations Review, 24(4)
13 Pompper, D. (2004). Linking ethnic diversity & two-way symmetry: Modeling female African American practitioners’ roles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(3), 269-299.
14 Hon, L. C., & Brunner, B. (2000). Diversity issues and public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 12(4), 309-340.

Black Lives Matter and the corporate response

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Written by: Gail Strachan, Director of Professional Development, Chair, Inclusion & Equity, CPRS Toronto, Organizational Transformation, Accenture Canada

These opinions are Gail’s alone. No copyright infringement is intended. 

2020 is the year of action – empathetic, intentional, and necessary regarding anti-black racism. Even in corporate Canada.

More than ever, we are discussing the effects of anti-black racism, systemic racism, and the global response to #blacklivesmatter protests. Dialogue, however, cannot be a veil to the measurable action that must be up-front and centre with the corporate statements being made. Trusted advisors in or outside of communication teams have a critical role to play.

Regardless of where we sit (the C-suite, marketing, communications, or human resources), we have an enterprise role that speaks for our internal and external stakeholders. When plugged into these various groups, our corporate listening allows us to prepare thoughtful, swift, and measurable responses.

We know that crafting a response takes time and that responses need to be validated, approved, and signed off. However, making recommendations about ongoing anti-black racism issues that have continuously taken place in corporate Canada means that some volumes were not turned on.

Anti-black racism has historically not been a source of dialogue at the highest levels of corporate Canada. This sentiment was bravely articulated by now Dr. Hadiya Roderique in 2017, and yet this conversation continues to be on the table.

Understanding stakeholder sentiment means that communication teams can reframe the anti-black racism narrative in corporate Canada.

By now, we have read some of these statements which I have segmented as those who:

  1. Stand against racism of any form
  2. Are anti-racist, or
  3. Are affecting anti-black racism change

There has been study after study discussing the changes required across disparities in socio-economic issues, marketing of products and services, racial profiling, and the social determinants of health. Anti-black racism dialogue in Canada is not new. The corporate tone with respect to anti-black racism should by now be rooted in the culture of every organization and not a part of “crisis” communications.

If a delayed response is currently being managed, communication teams and agencies should ask why anti-black racism has not been at the corporate table until now.

These employee moments that matter will inevitably become the external corporate narrative that will play out over the next 30-60-90 days and year-to-year until what is necessary for change is implemented and measures are put in place to remove the systems of racism.

Let that change include intentional systemic organizational transformation that expands space for black employees at all levels of the organization, from the Board of Directors to hiring practices.

When a corporate statement is being developed, some specific questions need to be asked including:

  • How is the Board segmented to include black professionals?
  • What is the plan to bring qualified employees (current or new) into leadership roles?
  • What is the corporate budget for anti-black racism training?
  • What are the indicators being measured at exit interviews specific to black employees leaving the organization?
  • Do you have a Black Employee Resource Group? Do they have active and supportive Executive Sponsor?
  • How is the budget allocated for Employee Resource Groups?

These actions can be measured as a critical success factor through dialogue which is:

  1. Empathetic in acknowledgment
  2. Intentional about learning about anti-black racism
  3. Inclusive regarding the opportunity to discuss, and most importantly,
  4. Includes non-black employees as well.

I have built my career on the utmost respect for the power of dialogue and its force to build bridges. Dialogue without meaningful and measurable action, with individuals in the room who have taken responsibility for their position in the dialogue, however, is why we are where we are today.

Corporate Canada has some catching up to do with respect to anti-black racism. Working with your trusted advisors inside and outside of communication teams is the way forward.

Gail is a strategic advisor and communications professional who began her career on Bay Street as a corporate law clerk and moved on to corporate recruiting and communication roles. Now in consulting, Gail is a transformative leader and culture disruptor. She is works with clients to design a workforce culture that will impact employee relations and future transformations. She is completing her accreditation in public relations with the Canadian Public Relations Society and lives in Toronto. These opinions are Gail’s alone. No copyright infringement is intended. 

August 20, 2020 – The Role of Public Relations in the BLM movement

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The Black Lives Matter movement has been an especially challenging time for the communications profession now faced with crafting statements specific to anti-black systemic racism.

Join this session on August 20 to learn how to take the lead in this critical organizational culture change by adopting critical insights and language needed to authentically create a meaningful, measurable and sustainable message.

WHEN: Thursday, August 20, 2020 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

WHERE: Via Zoom. Please register for this meeting in advance.


  • Brief introduction
  • Remarks regarding BLM and PR
  • Judy Lewis, CCPRF statement
  • Gail Strachan, Accenture Case Study 
  • Sharlyn Carrington + Chuck Wallington + Sara Goldvine panel Q&A moderated by Gail (including closing remarks)

Event Recap: Virtual career development seminar

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Written by: Manasi Sohoni, Student Volunteer 

Finding a job is challenging during “normal” times, but throw in a pandemic and upcoming recession and job hunting becomes even more daunting. 

Understanding this and seeing how the GTA PR and communications community is negatively impacted by COVID-19, CPRS Toronto held a virtual career development seminar on July 22 for communications professionals and recent graduates. The goal of this seminar was to help the community understand the principles of career development and job searching.

The one-hour online seminar was hosted and moderated by Michelle Dias, CPRS Toronto’s Vice President. Guest speakers Nina Kalos EVP, General Manager, Veritas Communications and Roxanne Cramer, Career Coach and Recruiter, walked through the fundamentals of career planning and provided the audience of entry-to mid-level participants with solid, first-hand advice.

The seminar was kicked off by Michelle, who spoke about the current job market and what consequences it has faced in these unprecedented times. She mentioned that working in the travel and tourism industry, which has been heavily impacted by COVID-19, was the inspiration for creating this session. After  welcoming everyone and giving an overview of the seminar, she introduced the first speaker, Nina Kalos, as a great resource and a dedicated leader. 

Nina, who also recruits for Veritas Communications spoke about various ways to ‘wow a recruiter in an interview.’ She mentioned interviewers today don’t just look for candidates who dress the part and bring in an A+ resume, but are also looking for candidates who are authentic and can present their stories. Nina shared steps to take before, during and after an interview. Conducting thorough research, forming connections with the employers, sending a thank you note and asking for feedback after an interview were some of the crucial steps she mentioned.

Following Nina, Roxanne Cramer,  shared her thoughts on building your brand, managing career goals and their timelines, how to identify your strengths and then measure your performance. Roxanne mentioned that one of the major necessities when it comes to working in the communications industry is to find your passion and stick to it. Having a smile on, getting excited when you talk about the work you do and your accomplishments, shows that you love what you do. She further went on to talk about how necessary it is to be a good writer and have knowledge about various technological platforms like social media, CRM programs, analytics and databases.

Roxanne also gave tips on how to build your resume and all the necessary information to be added on. She mentioned that every resume needs to be tailor-made as per the job descriptions. She reiterated the point about portfolios being necessary to showcase your work to a potential employer.

At the end of the session, participants asked Nina and Roxanne questions and had the opportunity to network through the Zoom chat box. CPRS Toronto plans to keep hosting similar virtual events in this time of need to provide communication professionals the networking opportunities they are seeking. 


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NEWS RELEASE: The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Toronto Chapter, celebrates communications excellence, virtually, at annual ACE Awards

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TORONTOJuly 27, 2020 /CNW/ – This evening, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Toronto Chapter celebrated the best in public relations and communications at its annual Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards ceremony, virtually. Typically, the annual awards ceremony sees hundreds of communication professions gather from across the Greater Toronto Area. This year the ACE awards were announced online.

The ACE Awards represent skill, innovation and intelligence within the public relations and communications industry. This evening’s awards began with a brief digital presentation announcing the finalists and ended with a presentation announcing the winners in each category. Winners can be found here:

“I would like to congratulate all of the winners. We saw over 100 entries this year; I was impressed by the creativity, and results of the awards submissions,” said Jenny Shin, President, CPRS Toronto Chapter. “This is one of the most anticipated nights of the year for the CPRS Toronto community. Although we had to pivot to online this year, we were still able to celebrate the incredible level of talent within the industry.”

The ACE Awards recognize communications campaigns in various categories including events, media relations, digital media and student accomplishment.

“This night is an incredible way to highlight the best in public relations and communications, congratulations to all winners. The ACE awards wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated support of our passionate volunteers. Our volunteers the full execution of the awards including judging submissions and event planning,” said Anne Marie Males, ACE Awards Chair, CPRS Toronto Chapter. “We’re also grateful to our sponsors, Business Wire, Cision, Meltwater, The Canadian Press, Leger and McMaster University who continue to support us.”

The 2020 ACE Award recipients included:

Finalists, Best Creative
  • Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick; Canadian Tire Own The Water
  • Weber Shandwick Canada and Mondelez Canada; Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo Bar PALentine’s Day
  • McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Agnostic & Metro Ontario; Metro Supports Local
Finalists, Best in Show
  • Kaiser Lachance Communications & ADP Canada; ADP Canada’s Workplace Insight Studies
  • SecureKey Technologies and Kaiser Lachance Communications; Verified.Me Launch
  • ruckus Digital & Husqvarna Canada; Husqvarna Canada Husqy Squad Influencer Campaign
  • McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick; Canadian Tire Own The Water
Brand Development Campaign, Best
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Gold-The Lung Health Foundation and Edelman CanadaThe Toker
  • Gold-Weber Shandwick Canada & Sport Chek; Sport Chek x Good American
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McDelivery
  • Gold-Weber Shandwick Canada and Mondelez Canada; CDMO – PALentine’s Day
  • Silver-Proof Inc. & Allergan Canada; Beauty Decoded Live
  • Bronze-1Milk2Sugars & Nivea Canada; NIVEA Oil Infused Body Lotions Campaign
  • Bronze-Purolator, Weber Shandwick Canada; Purolator Holiday Peak Season Program
  • Bronze-Agnostic & Metro Ontario; Metro Supports Local
  • Bronze-BlueSky Communications &; Rakuten Rebrand
Community Relations, Best Use of
  • Gold-Nuclear Waste Management Organization; NWMO’s Journey Towards Reconciliation
  • Silver-Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick Canada; Canadian Tire Rap-pairing Toronto Courts
  • Silver-Weber Shandwick Canada; 2018/19 Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup
  • Silver-CANEAST Communications; RecycleMyElectronics Community Relations
Crisis or Issues Management, Best
  • Gold-Rogers Media; ‘You People’: A Cultural Conversation
CSR or Cause Related Campaign, Best
  • Gold-Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; RMHC Canada: National Cookie Day
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Silver-Argyle Public Relationships & Environmental Defence Canada; Stop Bill 66
  • Silver-Empire Company Limited / Sobey’s Inc. & North Strategic; Sensory Friendly Shopping
  • Bronze-The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and Edelman CanadaCancer Strategy Refresh
  • Bronze-Nuclear Waste Management Organization; NWMO’s Journey Towards Reconciliation
  • Bronze-No Fixed Address; SickKids Airbnb
  • Bronze-No Fixed Address; Canadian Centre for Child Protection: Lolli
  • Bronze-Maple Leaf Foods; Carbon Neutral
Digital Communications Campaign, Best
  • Gold-ruckus Digital & Husqvarna Canada; Husqvarna Canada Husqy Squad Influencer Campaign
  • Gold-Proof Inc. & CLHIA; Fraud = Fraud Campaign
  • Silver-Insurance Bureau of Canada and Paradigm; The Museum of Outdated Technology
  • Silver-The Lung Health Foundation and Edelman CanadaThe Toker
  • Silver-Argyle Public Relationships & American Peanut Council; Crunch, Crunch, Crunch
  • Bronze-Argyle Public Relationships & MD Financial Management; Thank you Doctors
  • Metrolinx; Metrolinx News
  • Bronze-APEX PR and ruckus Digital & RE/MAX; RE/MAX #HomeGoals
  • Bronze-Golin & PetSmart; Launch of @PetSmartCanada Instagram
Employee Engagement Campaign, Best
  • Gold-RSA Canada & APEX Public Relations; RSA Tough Talk Training
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick; The Year of Amplification
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick; $1 Cones: Celebrating a Sweet Summer
  • Silver-Paradigm, Insurance Bureau of Canada; Students on Ice Contest
Government Relations Campaign, Best
  • Gold-Paradigm Public Relations & Insurance Bureau of Canada; The Museum of Outdated Technology
  • Bronze-Argyle Public Relationships & Efficiency Canada; #OurHumanEnergy
HR or Benefit Communications, Best
  • Bronze-Aviva CanadaThe Best Career You Never Expected
Marketing Communications Campaign, Best
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Gold-Osteoporosis Canada with Amgen Canada and Edelman CanadaBübl™ x David Dixon
  • Gold-Proof & Accenture; Accenture: The AI Effect Season 2 Podcast
  • Gold-Sheridan CollegeBlown Away
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & Nintendo of Canada Limited; The Nintendo Switch Playhouse
  • Gold-Zeno Group & SiriusXM; SiriusXM Dial Up the Moment
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & News Media Canada; News Media Canada: SPOT Fake News Online
  • Silver-ADP Canada and Kaiser Lachance Communications; HR Appreciation Campaign
  • Silver-SecureKey Technologies and Kaiser Lachance Communications; Verified.Me Launch
  • mint and Hershey Canada; Hershey Treat Street
  • Silver-RE/MAX, APEX Public Relations and ruckus Digital; Liveability 2.0
  • Silver-Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; RMHC Canada: National Cookie Day
  • Silver-Sanofi Genzyme and Edelman CanadaThe World’s Most Uncomfortable Bed
  • Silver-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McDelivery
  • Silver-Craft Public Relations & GE Appliances Canada; GE Appliances National Laundry Day 2019
  • Bronze-Craft Public Relations & Travelzoo Canada; Travelzoo Spontaneous Travel
  • Bronze-Golin & DAZN; The New Home of Football
  • Bronze- Nuclear Waste Management Organization; NWMO’s Journey Towards Reconciliation
  • Bronze-IKEA Canada in partnership with Hill+Knowlton Strategies; 2019 Summary Report
  • Bronze-IHG Hotels & Resorts in partnership with Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Readiest Breakfast Challenge 2.0
  • Bronze-The PR Department for Tabasco Canada; Tabasco Seven Days of Eggs
  • Bronze-Argyle Public Relationships & Ontario Association of Optometrists; No More Eyescuses
Media Relations, Best Use of Over $50,000
  • Gold-Kaiser Lachance Communications & ADP Canada; ADP Canada’s Workplace Insight Studies
  • Gold-Agnostic & Metro Ontario; Metro Supports Local
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & Mott’s Fruitsations; Mott’s Fruitsations Buy a Cup Give a Cup
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & GE Appliances Canada; The Launch of Café
  • Gold-Zeno Group and MiQ; MiQ Media Relations
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; P.L.T.
  • Silver-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; The Classics. Remastered.
  • Silver-Weber Shandwick Canada & Chevrolet Canada; 2018/19 Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup
  • Silver-Kaiser Lachance Communications & Lakeview Community Partners Limited; Lakeview Village Waterfront Community
  • Silver-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick; McHappy Day
  • Silver-Zeno Group & Turkey Farmers of Canada; Think Turkey / Pensez Dindon
  • Silver-Strategic Objectives and The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking; Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
  • Silver-Pomp & Circumstance PR & eBay Canada; eBay Canada Media Relations Program
  • Silver-Golin & DAZN; DAZN Canada teams up with Dan Marino
  • Bronze-Maple Leaf Foods; Carbon Neutral
  • Bronze-Citizen Relations & Molson Coors – Miller Lite; Miller Lite Real Guys of Canada
Media Relations, Best Use of under $50,000
  • Gold-SecureKey Technologies and Kaiser Lachance Communications; Verified.Me Launch
  • Gold-Kaiser Lachance Communications and Morguard; Canadian Economic Outlook 2020
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair ; Lil’ Ben & The Road to The Royal
  • Gold-Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada & Weber Shandwick; RMHC Canada: Haylen & the McFlurry Truck
  • Gold-Strategic Objectives and foodora Canada; foodora’s LCBO Delivery Launch
  • Silver-RE/MAX Canada and APEX Public Relations; RE/MAX 2019 Livability Report
  • Silver-Kaiser Lachance Communications and Morguard; Morguard Canadian Properties
  • Silver-Craft Public Relations & Moosehead Breweries; Moosehead Breweries: Mac The Moose
  • Silver-Zeno Group & Barilla; Barilla Pasta World Championship
  • Silver-Proof Inc. & Moneris; Canada’s Cashless Transaction Champion
  • Silver-Agnostic & BCG; BCG’s Centre for Canada’s Future
  • Silver-Proof Inc. & Moneris; Canada’s Busiest Shopping Month
  • Silver-Agnostic & Go RVing Canada; Bring Back Wildhood
  • Bronze-Proof Inc. & Electrical Safety Authority; TikTok, but Don’t Shock
  • Bronze-Broad Reach Communications & The Family Enterprise Xchange; Family Enterprise Matters
  • Bronze-Scalar Decisions and Kaiser Lachance Communications; The Digital Citizen
  • Bronze-Paradigm, DDMG & RBC; RBC’s Annual Home Ownership Campaign
  • Bronze-Morneau Shepell and Kaiser Lachance Communications; Employers Connect 2019
  • Bronze-Entandem Communications and Marketing Team & SOCAN; Entandem Holiday Music Study
  • Bronze-Kaiser Lachance Communications and Royal LePageNewcomers Survey
New Product or Service Launch, Best
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; P.L.T.
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & GE Appliances Canada; The Launch of Café
  • Gold-Strategic Objectives and Kellogg Canada; MorningStar Farms Veggie Burgers Launch
  • Gold-Golin & Beyond Meat; Beyond Burger Canadian Launch
  • Silver-Golin & Clif BarFruit Smoothie Filled Product Launch
  • Silver-Zeno Group Canada & Windex / SC Johnson; Windex Help Seas Sparkle Campaign
  • Silver-Reebok Canada in partnership with Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Meet You There
  • Silver-Proof Inc. & Visa Canada; Visa She’s Next
  • Bronze-SecureKey Technologies and Kaiser Lachance Communications; Verified.Me Launch
  • Bronze-Zeno Group & Electrify Canada; Electrify Canada First Charge Event
Publication, Best
  • Silver-CYSSC Communications Team; CYSSC 2018-2019 Annual Report This Is Us
Social Media or Influencer Campaign, Best
  • Gold-Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick; Canadian Tire Own The Water
  • Gold-Strategic Objectives and Groupe Marcelle Inc.; Lise Watier Rouge Fondant Supreme
  • Gold-Weber Shandwick Canada & Sport Chek; Sport Chek x Good American
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McDelivery
  • Gold-McDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; P.L.T.
  • SilverMcDonald’s Canada, Weber Shandwick Canada; McHappy Day
  • Silver-CANEAST Communications & The Alley; The Alley takes Alberta Social Media by Storm
  • Silver-Weber Shandwick Canada and Mondelez Canada; CDMO – PALentine’s Day
  • Silver-McDonald’s Canada & Weber Shandwick Canada; The Classics. Remastered.
  • Silver-Citizen Relations x Crest; #CrestSmileWithPride
  • Bronze-ruckus Digital & Husqvarna Canada; Husqvarna Influencer Campaign
  • Bronze-Zeno Group & Turkey Farmers of Canada; Think Turkey / Pensez Dindon
  • Bronze-Proof Inc. & Allergan Canada; Beauty Decoded Live
  • Bronze-Pomp & Circumstance PR & Peloton ; Peloton VIP Loaner Program
Special Events or Experiential Marketing, Best Use of
  • Gold-Weber Shandwick Canada and Mondelez Canada; CDMO – PALentine’s Day
  • Gold-Strategic Objectives and Kia Canada #KiaMatch Pre-Auto Show Toronto Event
  • Gold-Canadian Tire Ltd. & Weber Shandwick; Canadian Tire Christmas House
  • Gold-Craft Public Relations & Mott’s Fruitsations; Mott’s Fruitsations Buy a Cup Give a Cup
  • Gold-CO-OP & EarthFresh EarthFresh: Airstream Fry Truck
  • Silver-Argyle Public Relationships & United States Department of Agriculture; Agribusiness Trade Mission to Canada
  • Silver-Zeno Group & Lenovo; The Think Big Speakers Series
  • Silver-mint and Hershey Canada; Hershey Treat Street
  • Silver-Amgen Canada Inc. & Gage Communications Inc.; Break Records, Not Bones Event
  • Bronze-Reebok Canada in partnership with Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Club C x Peace Collective
  • Bronze-BlueSky Communications &; Rakuten Rebrand
Student Campaign, Best
  • Mubashira Nusrat Farooqi and Devina Das, Centennial College; The GenWell Project: #facetofacefeb
  • Sarah El-BakriKayla NguyenAndrea LoganLyndon Dizon and Anusha Bhardwaj, Centennial College: CivicAction: For a Friend
Leadership Awards
  • Paolo Zinatelli; CPRS Toronto Educator of the Year
  • Amy Theriault; CPRS Toronto Student of the Year
  • Danielle Kelly; CPRS Toronto Volunteer of the Year
  • Jessica Rabaey; CPRS Toronto Young Public Relations Professional of the Year
About CPRS

Founded in 1948, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) is a not-for-profit association of professionals dedicated to the practice, management and teaching of public relations and communications. Comprising 14 local societies, CPRS’ mission is to build a national public relations and communications management community through professional development and accreditation, collaboration with thought leaders, a commitment to ethics and a code of professional standards, advocacy for the profession, and support to members at every stage of their careers.

Learning from Nina Kalos, EVP and General Manager at Veritas Communications

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Written by Sarah Lasagna

Before CPRS Toronto’s virtual career development event on July 22, I sat down with guest speaker Nina Kalos EVP and General Manager at Veritas Communications, to gain insight into her career history, lessons learned and what advice she has for PR professionals searching for their dream job.

After completing a Bachelor of Business Administration from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2007, Nina pursued a master’s degree in International Public Relations at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. Nina Kalos Head Shot

Armed with a strong educational background in public relations, Nina set her sight on landing her first job in the field and started working in the UK at McCann Erickson Communications House.

After a year working and learning at McCann Erickson Communications House, Nina knew she was ready for the next phase of her career and moved back to Toronto where she worked at Hill & Knowlton Strategies. Nina then moved onto Citizen Relations, working her way up to Senior Account Manager.

Finally, in 2013, Nina joined the Veritas Communications team as a Director and held several roles before landing her current role as EVP  and General Manager.

Nina Kalos Agency TeamThrough her many roles over the years, Nina has been influenced by countless peers, who have shared excellent career advice, but the advice that stands out to her the most is from her father who told her, “if you love what you do, then it won’t feel like work.”

As a PR practitioner, Nina finds it is easy to work since she loves her job as a storyteller, connecting people and telling stories.

“I feel really lucky that I work somewhere where it’s not work for me,” Nina said. “I love my team. I love my clients. I feel like I can do something that comes naturally to me and that every day I get to do what I love doing.”

Nina then offered up advice to the next generation of PR practitioners with this statement, “Never say no to opportunities.” At the beginning of her career, and continuing to this day, Nina welcomes new opportunities and is always learning.

Fittingly, when asked about common mistakes entry-level applicants make, Nina was quick to suggest the word ‘mistake’ is too negative; there are no mistakes, only lessons, as everyone is learning at their own pace. To improve, junior PR practitioners should spend more time on research and telling their story.

Here’s some additional advice Nina shared:

Tell your story to the hiring manager

Keep in mind that every hiring manager has different preferences. Nina explains that you should be able to authentically tell a hiring manger a story about why you want to work in PR.  Additionally, she suggests researching an agency’s clients in advance to make sure you understand and align with its values.

Include extracurriculars on your resume

Regardless of how extensive your work experience is, your resume should reflect your knowledge. Nina notes that even if you lack professional work experience, but have experience from a school club, these are transferable skills that can be demonstrated on your resume.

Do not compare yourself to others

Everyone moves at their own pace so there is no set guideline for how fast someone in an entry-level position can jump in two to five years. Keeping this in mind, for managers, Nina advises that since there is no employee template and that everyone moves at their own pace, do not compare your employees to each other.

Take advantage of your connections

Nina also notes that many entry-level applicants do not network enough especially during this pandemic. As communications professionals, Nina describes that since PR is in the business of people, do not underestimate just how far people can help you in your career!

Network, network, network!

Amid COVID-19, Nina recommends aspiring PR practitioners stay agile and adapt to the changing world. Do not be afraid to email people and join networking events even if they might be weird or awkward. Nina suggests staying in contact and to not put networking on hold just because of COVID-19.

Join CPRS Toronto on July 22, where Nina Kalos will offer up many more career insights.

Event Recap: Gen Next – Preparing future stars of the public relations industry

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The constant evolution of the public relations industry outlined the professional development event at Prohibition Gastro House on May 8, 2019. The discussion focused on cultivating and inspiring the future stars of the industry.

Heath Applebaum (ABC, MCM) moderated the event involving the thoughts of four insightful and distinguished panelists:

  • Dr. Terry Flynn – Associate professor of the Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia, Architect and program director of McMaster University’s innovative Master of Communications Management (MCM) program. He’s also recognized worldwide as one of Canada’s leading PR researchers.


  • Sarah Leone – Account Director at Strategic Objectives who prides herself on developing and executing holistic communications programs that surprise, impact and engage consumers, top-tier media and key influencers. She is also a self-proclaimed industry chameleon.


  • Donna Lindell – Professor and Program Coordinator of the Post Graduate PR program at Centennial College. Once named as Canada’s Top 40 Under 40.


  • Victoria Baker – Account Executive at NKPR, a leading North American PR, Artist Management and Digital Agency. A recent star graduate of the PR program at the University of Guelph-Humber.

“They say that in school you are taught a lesson and then given a test, but in life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson” – Tom Bodett.

The fast progression of our industry, technology and stakeholder expectations means that PR teaching methods must also advance.

Q1: How do you feel PR programs can keep up with the rapid pace of the industry?

The panel agreed on the importance of the 4C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity. They also discussed the significance of being a respectful challenger and using superior diplomacy as a tactic to challenge employers and peers. Curiosity is not included in the 4C’s but panelists agreed it’s also an important quality. 

Terry Flynn believes bringing guest speakers into the classroom keeps the connection to the industry.  Donna Lindell said it’s all about C.H.A.R.M: Confidence, Humor, Appeal, Resilience and Motivation. She highlighted the importance of these soft skills including adaptability in the industry’s constantly changing landscape.

Sarah Leone emphasized the importance of attention to detail and teaching time management skills.

Q2: What is the most important PR megatrend?

“Content shock is a huge trend and challenge,” claimed Victoria Baker. It’s necessary to think about how to grasp your audience’s attention and ensure your message resonates. Donna Lindell agreed stating, “As practitioners, we owe it to our clients to produce quality content that goes beyond just taking up space.”

The panelists also touched on the current ethical issues in the industry and raised the importance of developing trust with clients and consumers.

Lastly, panelists offered words of wisdom to upcoming PR stars:

Believe in yourself and change the status quo.

The future is bright. Keep putting yourself out there and keep learning.

This is the time to invest in your career, it will be whatever you make it.

The evening ended with an awards ceremony. The Doris Whiteside award was presented to seven top PR students from Toronto’s undergraduate and certificate programs for their academic performance, leadership skills and industry knowledge.

Written by Sakina Adnan, CPRS Toronto Volunteer