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A new global mandate for the public relations profession

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At the recent World Public Relations Forum in Melbourne, Australia, public relations leaders from 29 countries identified three emerging areas of value for public relations and have issued a new ‘mandate’ for the profession.

The Melbourne Mandate speaks to the role of public relations in defining organizational character, building a culture of listening and engagement, and instilling responsibility in organizations and individuals.

Are you practising to the full scope of the mandate? Can the mandate be used to guide your professional development, enhance your practice, or inform your clients?

To help CPRS Toronto members grapple with these and other professional ideals, we’ll be bringing you the idea guy behind the Melbourne Mandate in the New Year.

Watch this space for details of our February professional development event with Daniel Tisch, APR, FCPRS, Chair of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management. You can also read Daniel’s reflections on the release of the mandate.

Is the Melbourne Mandate relevant to your practice? 

Dumb ways to die viral video

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Melbourne Metro Trains launched a video titled “Dumb ways to die” that is gaining a lot of attention for its PR approach in promoting safety.

What do you think? The video has almost 26 million views on YouTube.

President’s Message: Establish sound strategy

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The trick to the twelfth hole is to avoid the water on the left, avoid the out-of-bounds roadway on the right, land your tee shot on the right because the fairway slopes left big-time, and try not to lose your ball to the right of the green on your approach or you’ll be fighting chickens and roosters to get it back.

So much to keep in mind…how does one learn the skills to properly manage their way through a golf hole with so much to think about?  One needs to master course management.

The twelfth hole needs to be approached strategically…you have to have a sound strategy before you tee off, and then execute that strategy as you start to play the hole.

A Public Relations campaign can be like the 12th hole.  There is so much to keep in mind at one time, and one has to consider so many elements and keep so many things in balance all at one time.

A strategic approach to public relations helps practitioners manage public relations effectively from the start of a project to the end.

Where do we go to for help?  Golfers can take golf lessons, but where can we, in PR, go for help?

One of the most important tools of education we have at CPRS is the Accreditation program.  November is the last month to prepare your application for the 2013 Accreditation year.  If you’re a member of CPRS and have five years experience in the profession, you may be eligible to go for your APR designation in 2013.  Applications are due December 3rd.  I hope you will visit to get more information or contact our Co-chair of Accreditation, Kathleen Garrett at

I found the Accreditation program to be a great learning experience in approaching PR from a strategic point of view.  It drove home, for me, the difference between tactics and execution (very necessary work) and planning strategy (the well-researched plan to determine what tactics and execution are needed).

As I look back, I see how fortunate I was to be a member of CPRS Toronto while I was obtaining my APR because I was able to participate in a Study Group.  With our substantial member base, Toronto normally has a handful of people looking to get their Accreditation in any given year, so, as candidates, we are not normally going through the APR process on our own.  Those numbers provide us the opportunity to form Study Groups with candidates like us.  The Study Group meant I could share the workload with my colleagues, get clarification, talk about the exam material and learn about experiences I would not have otherwise been exposed to.

I encourage you to complete the application process if getting your APR designation is something you’ve been considering.  I wrestled with whether the year I finally committed to Accreditation (Class of 2006) was right from a timing point of view with the pressures of my job at the time.  It was a busy year, and I considered putting it off again.  Now, as I look back, I realize subsequent years were even busier, so glad I did it when I did.

Just like golf where one can continue with their current game and be overwhelmed by that tricky 12th hole, or take lessons in course management and learn to master it, Accreditation is there for us to pursue, and we just need the determination to say Yes…this is my year!

There’s still time to get in on the 2013 program if you are interested.  Become an APR and take your career to a new level.


Case study: Broad Reach Communications award for media relations over $50K

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By Liza Butcher

On April 26, 2012, the Canadian Public Relations Society Toronto (CPRS Toronto) congratulated the PR industry’s elite at the annual Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards gala.

The gala celebrated all of the winning campaigns, including Broad Reach Communications’ “Creating Eminence for Deloitte Canada by Leveraging its 2011 Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions” campaign, which won a prestigious ACE Award in the Best Use of Media Relations over $50K category.

I had the pleasure of talking with Andrea Lekushoff, President of Broad Reach, about the success of this campaign and the widespread eminence Broad Reach created for it.

Can you tell me about your winning campaign? What was the objective and why was it so successful?

In late 2010, Deloitte Canada (Deloitte) asked Broad Reach to develop and implement an English-language media relations campaign to secure widespread national, regional and trade/industry media coverage for its 2011 Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) Predictions report. We were also asked to generate a second wave of media coverage over a two-week period, during which TMT Predictions events were held across the country in St. John’s, Halifax, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton.

The overarching goal of this campaign was to showcase the knowledge and expertise of Deloitte TMT leaders across the country by generating widespread media coverage for TMT Predictions among target audiences in national, regional and online stories. In doing so, Broad Reach ensured that all aspects of the communications plan positioned Deloitte’s TMT Predictions and spokespeople as the leaders in global and Canadian TMT Predictions.

The launch of this media relations campaign exceeded all goals, objectives and client expectations. An unprecedented volume and quality of media coverage was generated: over 128.5 million audience impressions were generated in 210 on-message stories, 95 per cent of which appeared in top-tier media. It wasn’t easy to improve on last year’s campaign, which was very successful at 92 million impressions, but we committed to delivering even better results this year. And we did.

In addition, at least five top-tier media stories were generated in each region (with most regions receiving between two to six times as many stories). All stories mentioned Deloitte in a very positive tone; 92 per cent of stories focused exclusively on TMT Predictions; the term TMT Predictions was included in 80 per cent of stories; the report’s co-author, Duncan Stewart, was featured in 60 per cent of stories; all 10 regional spokespeople participated in high-profile media interviews; and 26 media outlets attended road show events across the country.

How did winning an award contribute to the agency’s brand?

This campaign was among Broad Reach’s most successful media relations campaigns to date. A prestigious ACE Award positions us as a leading Toronto PR agency that produces outstanding work and delivers exceptional results. It is also rewarding to have some of our best work recognized by our peers.

What inspired you to submit this campaign for an award?

We knew that this campaign was among our most successful and, as a result, we wanted to honour the team that worked on it by submitting it for an award. We were also fortunate enough to win a CPRS National Award of Excellence and IABC/Toronto OVATION Award for this same campaign.

What were the challenges associated with submitting the campaign?

The only challenge was that it was time consuming, which is to be expected. However, the Broad Reach team rose to the occasion and it paid off in the end.

What were you sure to include in your binder?

We included a wide range of materials including: the research and rationale for our recommended approach; a series of quantifiable goals and objectives; our strategy, a list of target audiences; a description of the campaign theme; our media relations tactic; a wide range of media materials; spokesperson briefing documents; an MRP (Media Relations Rating Points) report of all media coverage generated; a high-level results report; and clips of both TV and radio coverage.

How did it feel to receive your award at the gala?

I’m thrilled that our team has won yet another prestigious PR award for Deloitte’s TMT Predictions. This award is a testament to our unique business model of only working with seasoned senior practitioners. It also demonstrates that when talented and experienced practitioners have the opportunity to work in a flexible and family-friendly work environment, they can produce outstanding results together.

Social media advice from a bro

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Now that it’s Movember, you might be wondering how to weave some social media magic of your own.

For the strategy behind the success of the Movember social movement in Canada, check out CPRS Toronto’s archived PD event.

More PD on file.

Tweet highlights from Passport to PR

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Wonder what happens at the yearly CPRS Toronto students Passport to PR event? Wonder no longer. See 28 highlight tweets from today’s event in this Storify. CPRS Toronto would like to thank all of the students and our gracious hosts for today’s event!

CPRS Toronto selects Sheldon Levy of Ryerson University to receive 2013 CEO Award of Excellence in Public Relations

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Toronto, Ontario – The Canadian Public Relations Society Toronto is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 20th annual CEO Award of Excellence in Public Relations is Sheldon Levy, president and vice chancellor, Ryerson University.

During his distinguished career, Levy has been recognized for championing an entrepreneurial academic model including the recent international success of Ryerson’s Digital Media Zone and Centre for Urban Energy. He is dedicated to student success, distinctive academic programs and research, and advancing the university role as city-builder. He was awarded a BSc, MA, and Doctor of Laws honoris causa by York University, and lectured in computer science and mathematics.

Levy previously served as vice president, finance and strategy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; vice president, government and institutional relations, University of Toronto; president, Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology; and vice president, Institutional Affairs, York University.

Mark your calendars and join us to commemorate this occasion:

WHEN: Wednesday, January 30th, 2013, noon to 2 p.m.

WHERE: Arcadian Court, 8th floor

ADDRESS: 401 Bay Street, Toronto

TICKETS: Individual tickets available online from the CPRS Toronto website;
To purchase a table, contact Lois Marsh at 416-360-1988,

First created in 1991, the CEO Award recognizes communications excellence and advocates that a successful CEO must be an excellent communicator who can express a clear mission and shared values with a broad range of stakeholders.

Past Award recipients include Dr. Robert Bell, CEO of University Health Network, Mr. Jim Leech, CEO of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Robert Deluce, Porter Airlines, Galen G. Weston, Loblaw Companies, Frances Lankin of the United Way of Greater Toronto, Michael Budman and Don Green of Roots Canada, and Piers Handling of the Toronto International Film Festival.

The CPRS Toronto award is determined by a selection committee comprised of the Society’s past presidents. Members are encouraged to submit nominations throughout the year.

About CPRS Toronto
CPRS is a national association representing the public relations profession through the establishment and maintenance of high professional, educational and ethical standards. CPRS Toronto is one of the largest member societies comprising nearly 600 members. For more information please visit:

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact:

Martin Waxman, APR
CPRS Toronto CEO Award Committee

Michael Forbes
Director, Communications
Ryerson University
416-979-5000 ext. 4282

2012 APEX Scholarship winner announced

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The Communications + Public Relations Foundation and APEX jointly announced the recipient of the 2012 APEX scholarship. Below is the news release, also posted on CNW on October 31, 2012. Congrats Cole!

TORONTO, Oct. 31, 2012 /CNW/ – Toronto resident Cole Douglas is the 2012 winner of the APEX Scholarship, established by APEX Public Relations in 2010/11 for launch in 2012. The scholarship assists a student in need of financial aid who has demonstrated high academic achievement following completion of the first year of a four-year public relations degree program at the Toronto-based Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. The scholarship offers $3,000 per year over a three-year period to the same student contingent upon academic achievement. It is offered on a three year cycle.

In his first year at Humber, Cole was a lead ambassador in the Recruitment Office at the College and served on the Student Board of Directors for the Humber Students’ Federation.

He has consulted on social media work with Hearth Place, a support centre for cancer patients and their families to assist the organization to better understand how to use social media tools and the use of monitoring analytics, which resulted in a Canadian Public Relations Society 2012 Silver ACE Student Award for campaign of the year.

This past summer, Cole was a communications intern for Humber’s Student Recruitment and Advising Office where he researched and developed a plan to engage students to share their first year experience with their high school, revised the College recruitment brochure and tour scripts, among other activities.

“The jury felt that Cole’s early involvement and interest in the public relations industry was inspiring and his community involvement and grade point average demonstrated the qualities we look for in a young practitioner,” said jury Chair Scott Bonikowsky, Vice President, Corporate, Public and Government Affairs, Tim Hortons Inc. “Cole is an outstanding scholarship candidate who will make a difference in public relations in Canada.”

“There are a number of talented students who have the potential to be leaders in our industry”, emphasized Pat McNamara, CEO, APEX Public Relations, “but might not have the financial resources to obtain the education they need. We hope this scholarship will help Cole in his pursuit of a public relations career, and look forward to supporting his progress.”

The Communications + Public Relations Foundation, manager of the scholarship, promotes the advancement of communications and public relations as vital functions in society, is dedicated to the public interest, and is committed to increasing public knowledge and awareness of the role of public relations in daily life. The Foundation accepts individual and corporate contributions towards research and educational initiatives nationwide.

“We are delighted to be working with both APEX and Humber College in establishing and managing this Scholarship,” said Dr.Gordon McIvor, chair of the Foundation, especially, when we can support leadership development in our industry”

APEX Public Relations is a high-performance, high energy, public relations firm with an unmatched track record of award-wining campaigns. Its clients include consumer brands, and corporations with a focus on financial and technology communications.

For more information about the Foundation and its public relations educational initiatives, contact Barbara Sheffield, Executive Director, Communications + Public Relations Foundation, Suite 1515, 73 Widdicombe Hill Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, M9R 4B3, or phone 416 242-6146, or e-mail:

SOURCE: Communications + Public Relations Foundation

For further information:
Barbara Sheffield, APR, FCPRS
Executive Director
Communications + Public Relations Foundation
(416) 242-6146

Pat McNamara, APR, FCPRS
Chief Executive Officer
416 934-2120

Coffee, conversation and the CPRS Collection

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With public relations ranked as the fourth most caffeinated profession, it was only fitting that Balzac’s Coffee played host to the October 20 “Coffee and Conversation” event, the first Marketing Communications and Education Committee event of the season.

The Saturday morning social brought CPRS members together for a hot cup of coffee, friendly conversation and an exclusive tour of the Toronto Reference Library’s CPRS Toronto Collection.

Led by librarian Peggy Keefe, members were treated to an introduction to the books and journals that make up the CPRS Toronto Collection. A true public relations resource centre, the third floor collection holds volumes dedicated to the foundation of the profession, communication strategies, integrating social media into campaigns and more.

This vast collection is made possible by donations from CPRS Toronto and its members, with over $6,000 donated to date. These funds ensure the continuity and currency of the collection.

Though the books and periodicals of the CPRS Toronto Collection can only be referenced at the library, the newly renovated study areas beckon users to grab a book, a coffee (yes, you can maintain that caffeine fix in the library) and stay for awhile.

Also checkout a few pictures from the tour.


New mandate speaks to our collective corporate social responsibility

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The three pillars of the Melbourne Mandate.

The world of PR will soon have a new mandate to shape the organizational role and responsibilities of public relations professionals. 

As part of the advance preparations, three working groups have been hard at work studying the issues and preparing the draft mandate for presentation and debate at World PR Forum 2012 in Melbourne, Australia.

  1. Organizational character
  2. Listening
  3. Responsibility

The new Melbourne Mandate picks up after the 2010 Stockholm Accords and is expected to be released later this month.

Watch this space for news that the final document is available and be among the first to share this guide to best practice with colleagues.