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Exclusive offer: Special rate for Marketing magazine

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Open to all CPRS Toronto members:

1 year subscription (18 issues) $35; a savings of $100 or almost 75% off the cover price and 48% off the
current subscription rate.To take advantage of this offer, please visit or contact Safiya Bulbulia at (416) 764 1620.

CPRS Members on the Move…

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News Canada, a national leader in content marketing solutions, recently announced the promotion of Jennifer Cruxton to Manager, Business Development, MPR®, and Meliane Etien to Account Manager, MPR®. (MRP® is the industry standard in earned media measurement.  Congratulations Jenny and Meliane!

We want to hear from you! Share news about your new position with your CPRS Toronto colleagues. Please contact Lois Marsh at

Barbara Sheffield awarded Lamp of Service for commitment to Canadian Public Relations Society

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The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) named Barbara Sheffield APR, FCPRS LM, Vice-President, PR/Media Connection, the winner of the 2013 CPRS Lamp of Service at the national conference on June 10 in Gatineau, Québec. Sheffield was recognized for her dedicated service to CPRS during her more than 40 years as a public relations professional.

“My thanks to those I have worked with over the years for this wonderful recognition. I have always said that it is one thing to hold a membership in an organization and quite another to be a member. Contribution of time and talent should be on every member’s agenda and I encourage all members to become engaged in demonstrating professionalism to advance the profession,” said Sheffield.

The CPRS Lamp of Service is awarded to a CPRS member whose personal activities and/or leadership and dedication have resulted in the advancement of the Society.
A CPRS Toronto member since 1975 and appointed Life Member of the Toronto Society in 2006, Sheffield’s major focus and commitment within CPRS was public relations education and training. She served on CPRS Toronto’s education committee in 1979 and began to explore opportunities to develop curriculum that would benefit the growing profession. She was CPRS Toronto’s chair of professional development from 1981-82.

After serving as CPRS Toronto President (1982-84), Sheffield went on to become CPRS National President in 1990-91. Currently she is the Executive Director of the Communications and Public Relations Foundation.

 Barbara Sheffield APR, FCPRS LM (left) accepts her CPRS Lamp of Service certificate from Robyn Quinn APR, FCPRS, National Awards Presiding Officer, CPRS. (CNW Group/Canadian Public Relations Society)

Volunteer opportunities with CPRS Toronto

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Are you interested in volunteering for CPRS Toronto?

The new board year is underway and the Board of Directors for CPRS Toronto is busily planning an exciting year ahead!
With so many great events in the works we are looking for volunteers to help. We are looking for people interested in getting involved in the following areas:
CEO Award
– Co-ordinator and organizer of for Award luncheon
Professional Development and Networking 
– Vice-chair
– Special event assistants
– Vice-chair
– Writers
ACE Awards
– Coordinator for submissions
– Coordinator for judging logistics
– Coordinator and organizer for Award Gala
– Exam Proctor
– Membership coordinator
– Vice-Chair
Member Communications
– Co-chair
– Social media specialists
– Writers
Volunteer Services
– Volunteer coordinator
– Vice-chair
To apply:
If you are interested in volunteering please contact and send your resume to
Thank you!

President’s Message

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When I was a public relations student, Barbara Sheffield, APR, CPRS Fellow, and Life Member, visited our class and talked about CPRS Toronto — a professional organization that was working hard to enhance the reputation of the industry I had just decided to enter. In her short presentation she inspired me by showing me a clear career path: joining CPRS, continuing my professional development and, after five years in the field, achieving accreditation in public relations. Needless to say, I joined CPRS Toronto immediately and went to my first event feeling both nervousness and excitement.

I have been a Public Relations practitioner my entire career and have attended many events and conferences hosted by various organizations over the years, but I still remember my first CPRS Toronto event.

What struck me was the sense of community in the room and a genuine interest of members in supporting one another. Years later, I learned my involvement and accreditation by CPRS was a factor in my acceptance to graduate school in the US – this community extends past our borders.

For many students and new members, our annual Open House was their first CPRS Toronto event providing an opportunity for them, as well as long-time members, to meet this year’s board at PJ O’Brien pub. I don’t know if it was the luck of the Irish, but the event sold out days before and by all accounts, people had fun networking and hearing about our plans for the coming programming year.

Thanks to our volunteers Sarah MacKinnon and Chi Chi Egbo, our intern Sarah MacKenzie Smith, and our Secretariat Lois Marsh for helping to plan the Open House and to Sears Canada for their generous donation of the evening’s door prize. This was our first networking event of the season – look forward to more in the coming months.

As a member of CPRS Toronto you have made an investment in your career. Take advantage of all that we offer, some of which is highlighted in this newsletter. And with all investments, the more you put into it the higher the returns. You have a role in your experience with this organization. Don’t sit on the sidelines. I encourage you to get involved.

Maryjane Martin, APR
President, CPRS Toronto
Contact me at

University of Ottawa lecture: PR and Diversity in Multicultural Societies

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In May, Donn Tilson, Associate Professor of the University of Miami, was a guest lecturer at a conference organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Organizational Communication at the University of Ottawa. Professor Tilson will be at the department as Distinguished Visiting Researcher and Fulbright Scholar in the Spring term.

A recording of the guest lecture is available here. Special thanks to Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Ottawa for sharing the lecture.

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President’s message: The final approach

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The arrival at the 18th hole for golfers always comes with mixed feelings. We are pleased that the round is almost over because, as in most sporting activities, tiredness sets in and you’re glad to call it a day. But if you love the game, it’s also lamentable because something you enjoy doing is coming to an end.

After two years as president of CPRS Toronto, I enter this last period of my term in the same way. I have enjoyed serving as your president, and, like a good golf round, there is much more to be done to continue improving on our game and finding ways to help members in their chosen craft as PR practitioners. I hope you agree that the current board has had accomplishments over the past two years that have been of benefit to you.  The effort will continue under the board that is slated to be elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), which takes place on Tuesday, May 28th at the Toronto Region Board of Trade offices.

I want to thank the board members of this year and last year for their commitment to providing you with occasions for professional development, sharing sessions and networking opportunities among other events and member benefits that have been put in place. They have been great to work with, and I appreciate their support in focusing on making CPRS Toronto a society that members feel can help them perform their chosen careers with improved skills and competencies. I will be recapping the achievements they have attained during the annual meeting.

There are two major upcoming events worthy of your attention.  The first is the CPRS Toronto AGM to which I have already referred.  Our guest speaker will be Jamison Steeve, former principal secretary to Premier Dalton McGuinty, who will share experiences and insights gained through his work in Dalton McGuinty’s office over two political terms.

The second is the national CPRS conference taking place in the national capital region.  Compelling speakers have been secured which, coupled with several workshop opportunities, will surely be an educational and networking experience that will be beneficial for all who attend. With Ottawa-Gatineau being so close to Toronto, I hope to see many of you there. I trust you will find it an event that will provide a substantial return on the time you invest to participate.

My work on the board isn’t finished.  Duties await me as past president, and so I now need to take my final approach shot over the creek that flows between me and the 18th green so that I can get on with those very duties.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our round together, and I will see you at the 19th hole (a common term golfers use to describe the clubhouse grill room), that is the AGM, where we can enjoy some much desired food and beverages to properly complete our round.

If we miss you there, I’m sure we’ll see each other at one of the many upcoming CPRS Toronto events that begin again in the fall.

Bye for now.

Register today for CPRS National Conference: Conversations 2013

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Join us this June in spectacular Ottawa-Gatineau for Conversations 2013 — the Canadian Public
Relations Society (CPRS) Annual National Conference. This premiere event will be a watershed moment for Canada’s public relations and communications practitioners. Don’t miss the opportunity to join your community of peers and change the conversation about PR in Canada.
Who should attend? Conversations 2013 is the ideal event for:
• CPRS members and non- members from all disciplines
• Association communications executives
• Government communication and public relations professionals
• PR agency practitioners
• Educators and Students in public relations and communication studies
CPRS Toronto Members are encouraged to participate in a range of workshops and learn best practices from
the following highly-reputable communications experts based in Toronto:
Conversations 2013 is your opportunity to:
•Participate in stimulating and dynamic conversations and share your ideas for real change
• Be inspired by some of Canada’s brightest and most insightful keynote speakers and panelists
• Engage in practical learning and take back ideas you can use right away
• Showcase your talents and ideas in open panel discussions and workshop sessions
• Connect with other PR and communications practitioners and build relationships
• Step out of your comfort zone in challenging and provoking practical sessions
• Immerse yourself in relevant issues and share your experiences with others
• Stay and meet at the luxurious five-star Hilton Lac Leamy
• Enjoy special evening events in the Ottawa’s historic ByWard Market and at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum
• Visit Canada’s capital region and discover all it has to offer!
Follow CPRS2013 social feeds for event updates:

Time is running out and registration is filling up. Don’t miss your opportunity to attend the PR event of the year. Register today and change the conversation!

Register here

If you have any questions about Conversation 2013, please contact: .CPRS – Conversations 2013 Overview

AGM vote ahead

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Photo by Southernfried via

CPRS Toronto members will be considering a proposal to change the organization’s fiscal year-end at this year’s Annual General Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend Tuesday, May 28. The AGM is free to all current CPRS Toronto members. Join us for networking, hear reports from your elected Board members, and cast your member votes. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. Register today.

New wheels for one lucky student member

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Zipcar membership promoCPRS Toronto is offering all new student members who sign up by June 30th the chance to win a free Zipcar membership for a year. The keys to any Zipcar could be yours as of July 1st when CPRS Toronto pays your annual $65 membership fee. 

If you are eligible to be a student member and you join up now (not later than June 30th), your name will be automatically entered into the CPRS Toronto Zipcar prize draw for the random chance to win! 

It costs just $45 to become a student member for one year.  Learn more about the benefits of belonging to CPRS Toronto and apply online today!