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Student Steering Committee Profile: Jessica Chong

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few months, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee Student Representatives. Stay tuned for more!


Jessica Chong, Student Rep
Centennial College, Post-graduate Certificate in Corporate Communications and Public Relations, BA (Honours)

This is my first year involved with CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee and I couldn’t be more excited for all the events ahead. This past year, I’ve worn many hats working at a bi-weekly newspaper to a PR agency.

Where are you from?

I’m from the suburbs, but I’ve always called downtown Toronto my second home.

What are you most excited for this year?

I’m excited to encourage as many of my peers to come out to this year’s events as possible, especially Building Media Relationships. As someone who worked as a student journalist, on the other side of the fence, it will definitely be an intriguing conversation to witness.

Have you interned anywhere?

This past summer, I interned at ROI Relations, a Toronto-based lifestyle agency. Before that I spent two summers at State Farm Canada.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be at a large, global agency – a role that’s always challenging. I see public relations as a way to combine the best of storytelling and creativity.

What do you do outside of school?

Outside of school, I work a part-time job, scour the latest lifestyle blogs and blog myself at I also keep up interests in photography and graphic design in my spare time.

Tell us something random about yourself

I love travel and new adventures – When I was 18, I studied abroad for a year and traveled to southwest England’s Jurassic Coast on a spontaneous solo photography trip that took seven hours.

Find me on:

Twitter: @jessica_gracec

Industry post: Five time management lessons from PR agency life

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Time management lessons from the agency life




Author: Cole Douglas

When working in the PR world one discovers that the phrase “time is money” couldn’t be more true. This proves to be even more relevant in the PR agency sector where you are charging for your services, sometimes in six-minute intervals.

Through participating in various PR agency internships I have learned the true secret to success is effective time management. I have decided to share five time management tips I have learned over the years that will lead you to success in any industry you decide to pursue.

1. Multitasking

This may sound obvious, especially in our technology-advanced generation, but couldn’t be more true. Being a successful multitasker will allow you to accomplish the various projects that come your way on time and on budget. If you are able to jump from writing a news release for a client one minute then having to adjust gears and compose an event critical path for another without hesitation, you will be successful. So next time you are on hold for a client’s product delivery, consider taking that 20-minute hold time to add to your other client’s Twitter editorial calendar.

2. Read it a second time

When you receive an urgent email or task, the first reaction is to delve right into the challenge. However, many people find themselves missing critical aspects of the project halfway through completion due to not reading the details. Make sure you take the extra five minutes to read through the task a second or third time and make note of all critical aspects. Once everything is accounted for you can drive full-steam ahead to success.

3. Budget for interruptions

No matter how effective you are at planning and executing your daily schedule remember that things come up. Taking the time to budget for even an hour of interruptions will help you stay on schedule for the day. And most times when you don’t end up having any pressing interruptions, you feel ahead of schedule.

4. Use your calendar

Your work calendar will become your best friend. Having clearly set activity times in your calendar will help you stay on track with your daily initiatives. I always found the 15 minute reminder alarm provided me adequate time to switch gears from one task to another.

5. Relax

At the end of the day with time sensitive projects, the best thing is to relax. Nothing will cut into your time more than a mind that is frozen with panic. Sometimes things can be a little overwhelming, but always remember that there is 24 hours in a day and anything is possible. Keeping a clear and stress-free mind will allow you to focus clearly and be more effective.

Time management is a constantly developing skill especially with the many tools appearing each day in our ever-developing industry. I hope that you will find at least one of these tips beneficial to you and provide another tool to add to your PR toolkit. What else would you add to the list?


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Cole Douglas is CPRS Toronto’s VP, External on the Student Steering Committee. He is a fourth year student in Humber’s Bachelor of Public Relations program. Find him on:

Twitter: @coledouglas7

**We are always looking for student submissions! If you would like to contribute to the new student blog, please email Arden at

Where are they now? – Maria-Teresa Andreacchi

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Where are they now? Past Student Steering Committee Members tell us their story

Our new series explores the lives of past Student Steering Committee members. Stay tuned for more!


Centennial College Certificate of Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Bed, BA (honors)

I sat at the back of the class, quiet in nature, waiting for the presentation to begin. I wasn’t sure what this presentation would be about or the importance of my attendance, but I knew I had to give it a try. That moment, attending the presentation, was one of the best career moves I made. Half way through the CPRS Student President’s speech, I knew I had to be a part of it. That night I wrote my application and three weeks later I received an acceptance letter.

Aside from meeting and working along side a group of incredible young PR professionals, the CPRS student committee gave me the opportunity to expand myself professionally. As a CPRS student committee member I was exposed to an array of opportunities. I helped execute several events, built my professional network and was exposed to the best in the industry. When I wasn’t helping run our student led events, I was liaising CPRS information to my Centennial colleagues.

My fondest memories of the CPRS student committee are networking, hosting professional development sessions and making a new group of friends. The CPRS committee gave me experiences that are invaluable. On a resume “CPRS student committee” may seem like a small addition, but to prospective employers those three words scream: dedicated, committed and eager.

Being exposed to the CPRS student committee motivated me to work harder and pursue my dreams. If I wasn’t exposed to that, I may not be where I am today. While PR is a tough industry to break into, hard work and dedication has set me aside.

I now work as digital marketing assistant and social media expert for Meridian, Ontario’s largest credit union. My days are split between three departments: digital marketing, digital banking and brand marketing. While my time is largely spent managing our social channels and developing content, I also help develop and execute large corporate projects. In the past four months at Meridian I’ve taught several members of the Senior Leadership team how to use social media, collaborated with other departments to gain over $16,000 in extra social media budget and helped jumpstart the CEO on Twitter.

But Meridian isn’t my only job. Half way through my Centennial year, I decided to pursue blogging full time. I’m happy to say that Fashion. Food. Flair. is now a recognized blog that has recently embarked on several paid collaborations. My days are long and the hours are insane but I wouldn’t change one second of it. If there’s one thing working on the CPRS student committee taught me it’s this: When an opportunity comes, take it, because you never know where it might take you.

Find me on:

Twitter: @mariateresa89

President’s Message

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Please give us just 10 minutes

There are 525,600 minutes in a year.  We need just 10 of those minutes to help us know how we are doing in our efforts to serve you, a valued member of CPRS Toronto.

Over those half million  minutes we produce weekly newsletters, plan and deliver professional development sessions, share information via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, host networking events and organize award programs such as the CEO of the Year and Achieving Excellence in Communication (ACE).   All by volunteers who are committed to helping you and your career.

I know you are busy, but giving us your opinion now will help us shape our programming for the coming year. Your board is committed to continuous improvement, but we know we need reliable research to base our decisions.  If you haven’t already, please take our membership survey now.  We want to hear from you.  Thank you.

Annual Open House

Join us for an enjoyable evening when members from all levels come together to meet and mingle on October 15from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. at The Bedford Academy, Second Floor, 36 Prince Arthur Avenue (St. George Station TTC).

World PR Forum will come to Toronto in 2016

Last week CPRS members everywhere (and especially here in Toronto) were delighted to hear the PR World Forum will be in Toronto in 2016. Your Toronto board provided a letter of endorsement as part of CPRS national’s bid and we will continue to support them in their efforts.

Mentoring Circles expanding

With the success of our mentoring circles over the past year, we have decided to add new circles in the coming weeks.  Please watch our website for ways to join these rewarding groups.

Take care and have a great week!

Maryjane Martin, APR

President, CPRS Toronto

Student Steering Committee Profile: Charzie Abendanio, Vice President

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Stay tuned for our next series when we introduce our student representatives from PR programs around the GTA!


Charzie Abendanio, Vice President
Humber College, Bachelor of Public Relations, Third Year

As the new vice president of the CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee, I am thrilled to share my passion for PR and I am looking forward to working with my fellow executives to help bring PR students, from all over Toronto, to learn from one another and grow together as budding PR practitioners. I’ve been a member of CPRS since my first year at Humber and have also volunteered my time to the ACE Awards and the CEO Award of Excellence.

Where are you from?

I’ve grown up in Toronto and have fallen in love with this city. I can’t imagine where else I would live.

Do you have any other post-secondary education?

I started my post-secondary education at the University of Toronto and completed a full year of studying psychology, philosophy and poetry. I will always have a passion for the arts but I stepped back from school for several years and stumbled upon the world of PR and have never looked back.

What are you most excited for this year?

I’m honestly excited for everything. I was able to attend the Building Media Relations event last year and admired the ability that the SSC has to unite PR students together. I can’t wait to do the same this year in all our events.

Have you interned anywhere?

As the last semester was approaching in my second year I really wanted to have an internship to gain some experience. I landed an internship at energi PR, a mid-size agency located downtown. It was a great experience which gave me the opportunity to learn from individuals in the industry and I think everyone should try to get one even if it’s not required.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be to work for a car brand such as Honda. I think it would be amazing to contribute to such an industry that the whole world recognizes.

What do you do outside of school?

Besides school and volunteering for CPRS, I have a part time job which I balance with doing yoga and spending time with my six year old Yorkie named Yuki. (She is probably the cutest Yorkie in the world! Check out my Instagram @charziecastillo to see for yourself!)

Tell us something random about yourself

I’ve owned about 11 cars in the last six years so you can say I’m a bit of a car enthusiast, and I love being a spectator during the Honda Indy and local track events in Ontario.

Find me on:

Twitter: @charziecastillo


Student Steering Committee Profile: Katie Fraser, Vice President, Logistics

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few weeks, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee. Stay tuned for more!


Katie Fraser, VP Logistics
Humber College, Bachelor of Public Relations, Fourth Year

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Canadian Public Relations Society Student Steering Committee. I’m so excited to be representing you for my third year with the committee as the Vice President of Logistics. I’m originally from Bowmanville, Ontario and moved to Toronto for school in 2011. Although I love the city life, my country roots still grow strong.

What do you enjoy most about being on the SSC?

To be honest, it’s the people. Whether I’m meeting first year public relations students or professionals who have been in the industry for many years, I can always learn something new. Everyone I’ve met through the SSC has taught me a thing or two about our industry, and I can guarantee our connections this year will be no different.

What are you most excited for this year?

This year I’m most excited to read our new blog. This is a new venture for the SSC and I have a feeling it’s going to be a success. The variety of writers we have working on this blog will ensure that all our readers will be able to take away something useful.

What event did you enjoy the most last year?

The event that I enjoyed most last year would be Passport to PR. Attending and planning this massive event took a lot of organization, and I couldn’t have been more proud of our committee and the generous hosts. After the event, the committee received such positive feedback and we will be sure to use those suggestions to make 2014’s event even better!

Have you interned anywhere?

This summer I was fortunate enough to intern at Camp Oochigeas, a camp for children affected by childhood cancer. I’ve been involved with Ooch for nine years now, as my journey with the organization has evolved from being a camper, to volunteer and now a staff member. This opportunity was more than I could have ever asked for as it combined my passions for public relations, non-profits and camp.

What is your dream job?

I’ve always said that my dream job would be somewhere I made a difference in the lives of others. I have such a passion for working with non-profit organizations, especially with those that help individuals affected by cancer. I would also want a job that unites event planning and public relations.

What do you do outside of school?

Outside of school and work for CPRS, I love to see movies and watch baseball. During my free time you’ll find me at the Rogers Centre or at Cineplex (both of which I will be eating popcorn). I have a patriotic love for the Toronto Blue Jays and a secret love for the Baltimore Orioles.

Tell us something random about yourself

Saying that I’m horse crazy would be an understatement. I took lessons through many of my younger years, and I now find every reason to wrap myself in equestrian culture. From my fashion style to my browser history, you should know that I’m all about that the horseback riding lifestyle.

Find me on:

Twitter: @fraser_kate

Student Steering Committee Profile: Cole Douglas, Vice President, External

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few weeks, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee. Stay tuned for more!

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Cole Douglas, VP External
Humber College, Bachelor of Public Relations, Fourth Year

Welcome to our blog where many students – like yourself – will contribute experiences and tips we’ve learned along our PR journey. I have been involved with CPRS’ Student Steering Committee for three years, with this being my second year as VP External. I come from the Ottawa Valley (Renfrew to be exact) and moved to the bustling Toronto metropolis six years ago.

Do you have any other post-secondary education?
For three years I trained at St. Lawrence College in their Musical Theatre Diploma, which lead me to Toronto’s performance industry. After working in the musical theatre industry for a few years I decided to transition into the wonderful world of communication.

What do you enjoy most about being on the SSC?
Being a part of the SSC allows you to not only meet many different PR professionals, but gives you the opportunity to be exposed to the different sectors of communications. Whether you are meeting an individual taking their undergrad in corporate communication or you are connecting with a crisis management specialist at an event, there are always opportunities to learn new things.

What are you the most excited for this year?
I am most excited about our Building Media Relationships event. This annual event is where we bring in a panel of three PR professionals and corresponding journalists from that industry to talk about the importance of media relations. I am very passionate about the media side of PR and find this event very beneficial to any young practitioner eager to understand the concept of building critical media contacts.

What event did you enjoy the most last year?
I really enjoyed our Passport to PR event where we took groups of students into various PR offices throughout the city. Last year’s event was such a success it sold out in less than 24 hours and the event hashtag trended on Twitter twice that day! If you are considering attending this event, I would suggest following @CPRSStudents on Twitter to gain up-to-date information on registration before tickets are sold out.

Have you interned anywhere?
I have had a few internships during my studies. I’ve done PR internships at:
• Humber College’s Student Recruitment office
• North Strategic
• Strategic Objectives
• APEX PR Inc.
Each experience has been different providing me with new skills to add to my PR toolkit.

What is your dream job?
From PR agency heavy internship opportunities in the past, I know that I want to pursue this part of the industry. My ideal job would be to run my own PR agency one day where I get to work with colleagues that are like-minded and clients that I love.

Something random about me:
The year before I decided to go back to school to pursue PR I was a lead singer on a Japanese cruise ship where I had the opportunity to perform on an eight-month world cruise. I was able to visit every major city in the world and the exposure to the various cultures really added to my life.

Find me on:
Twitter: @coledouglas7

Student Steering Committee Profile: Arden Bagni, President

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few weeks, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee. Stay tuned for more!


Arden Bagni, President
Humber College, Bachelor of Public Relations, Fourth Year

Welcome to our new, updated student blog. I’m very excited to be your new Student Steering Committee president this year! This will be my third year with CPRS, having been a student representative and then vice president previously. I am originally from Calgary and moved to Toronto to pursue a career in PR outside of the oil and gas industry (and fell in love with the city in the meantime!)

Do you have any other post-secondary education?
I attended University of Calgary for one year in the Communications program and realized it wasn’t for me. The program wasn’t specific enough and I felt a more hands-on education was what I needed.

What do you enjoy most about being on the SSC?
I love being able to meet so many new people! Throughout the year I meet students, professionals, new grads and others looking to break into PR. It’s great to see the camaraderie between everyone in the industry.

What are you most excited for this year?
I have to say our Passport to PR event. This is one that all students get excited about, and planning it is a rush. I’m also excited to announce that we will be running a second Passport to PR event in the spring, so stay tuned!

What event did you enjoy the most last year?
Although I enjoy every event we hold, I love Building Media Relationships because it always surprises people. Forging relationships with media is such an important aspect of PR, and I think it’s beneficial for students to learn about it firsthand.

Have you interned anywhere?
I just finished up my four-month internship at Global News. I was able to work right in the newsroom in the middle of all the action! I learned so much about the media landscape and wouldn’t have changed my experience for anything.

What is your dream job?
Eventually, I want to work for a brewery. I am always told that is a very “specific” area, but I think it’s good to have specific goals. I love a good brew, but more importantly, I think breweries need to begin targeting women and I would like to be a part of that.

What do you do outside of school?
Lots of work for CPRS! I also enjoy reading (just finished working my way through the Game of Thrones series), cooking and exploring Toronto with my friends.

Something random about me:
I once got lost on a hike in the woods in Banff and had to use the setting sun and a topographical map to find my way back. Prior to the hike I was terrified of spiders, but after “bushwacking” to find my car, I found I didn’t care that there were dozens of spiders nesting in my hair – I was just glad to find civilization!

Find me on:
Twitter: @ardenbagni

President’s message

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August has traditionally been a planning month for Public Relations departments (I’ve heard the month described as akin to a Sunday prior to an eventful week and I must admit I often feel that way). Your CPRS Toronto board has also been meeting this month to plan our programming for the year and I am very excited about the year ahead.

Mentoring has always been valued within our Chapter and under the leadership of Lauren More and support from Membership Chair, Hilary Lawton, our approach to mentoring has evolved to maximize protégé access to mentors. Replacing the traditional 1:1 match-ups, two Mentors Circles were established last year – one for Recent Graduates and the other, called Career Builders, for people with more work experience. Each circle meets every other month and different guest mentors attend each session to share their experiences, provide advice and to answer questions. The next Graduates Mentor Circle is planned for October 15. The next Career Builders Mentors Circle will be held on September 17. If you are interested in being a guest mentor or a joining one of our circles, please email Lauren at

We are committed to bringing you award-winning speakers at an economical cost and Jeff Rohrer APR, our Professional Development Chair has an exciting PD program planned for this year. Our first event, PR from the inside out: How technology can improve internal communications and the customer experience is planned for Tuesday, September 16, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, at The Pilot, Stealth Lounge. Cost to members is $20; $10 for student members.

In this session, Senior Consultant, Jas Shukla, and Director of Brand and Experience, Ben Skelton, from Habanero will share how organizations are using technology to align employees with their purpose and vision, support organizational change, foster connections between employees, as well as increase dialogue and innovation. Learn how organizations across Canada are using their intranets, enterprise social networks, crowdsourcing, and mobile solutions to ensure front-line employees create memorable, informed interactions.

Our student steering committee, led by Arden Bagni, has planned a number of events this year. The popular, Passport to PR (always sold out) is scheduled for October 23rd. Students from PR schools  throughout the GTA visit PR agencies and corporate offices to get a firsthand look at the world of public relations practitioners. See our Events section for all event dates.


Our student steering committee, led by Arden Bagni, has planned a number of events this year. The popular, Passport to PR (always sold out) is scheduled for October 23rd.  Students from PR schools throughout  the GTA visit PR agencies and corporate offices to get a firsthand look at the world of public relations practitioners. See our Events section for all event dates.

I look forward to sharing more of our plans in our next newsletter.

On another note, last month, most public relations departments were involved in the implementation of the new Canadian Anti-Spam legislation (CASL). Some members have contacted me to hear how successful others members were in implementing this legislation. Please let me know what your experiences were. What practices have you changed in light of this legislation? I’ll share highlights in an upcoming newsletter.

Maryjane Martin, APR

President, CPRS Toronto

CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee: Your executives for the 2014/2015 school year

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CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee has been getting geared up for the 2014/2015 school year. To see what they have planned for students this year, check out their video below, outlining upcoming events and initiatives!



Questions? Please contact this year’s student representative, Arden Bagni at

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CPRS Toronto Students