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Accreditation deadline is December 1 — Make 2015 the year you receive your APR!

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APR accreditation is one many ways to demonstrate to peers, colleagues and clients your vast experience and in-depth knowledge and reaffirm your commitment to the profession and professional development.

The Toronto Society and National office provide a variety of resources to help candidates achieve their designation including online study guides and local mentoring. It’s a self-directed program, but you’re never in it alone.

The application process is easy:

– Fill out the application form

– Update your resume to demonstrate your experience in PR

– Submit a one-page work sample overview (And if you applied for an ACE award in the past three years, you’re already ahead of the game!)

Click here for more details.

If you have any questions or would like to chat more about if APR is right for you in 2015, please email Jilda Lazer, APR at

Student Steering Committee Profile: Molly Campbell

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few months, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee Student Representatives. Stay tuned for more!

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Molly Campbell, Student Rep
Humber College, Public Relations Postgraduate Certificate

I am thrilled to be a part of the CPRS Student Steering Committee this year as I begin my career in public relations. Having just moved to Toronto to start the Humber College PR Postgraduate Certificate, this committee is a great way to meet fellow PR students, contribute my skills and learn more.

Where are you from?

I am originally from Waterloo, Ontario, but Ottawa was my home for the past six years. I moved to Ottawa to complete my undergraduate degree in journalism at Carleton University. After that I worked for two years at a website development and marketing firm where I still work part-time.

What are you most excited for this year?

I am most excited about meeting people in the industry and learning more about all the amazing opportunities out there in the PR world. Through school, CPRS, internships and volunteering, there are so many ways I’m looking forward to meeting other PR professionals and students.

Have you interned anywhere?

After I completed my degree I got an internship with Carleton University’s Rwanda Initiative. I travelled to Kigali, Rwanda and worked as the assistant editor for an arts and culture magazine called Blink for two months. The experience taught me many lessons about Rwanda’s vibrant culture and helped me build my writing, organization skills and ability to adapt immensely.

What is your dream job?

Although I’m still deciding exactly where I want to go, my goal is to work for a large, international PR agency for clients in the consumer goods industry. I love the idea of working on a variety of projects in a fast-paced and dynamic environment where no two days are the same.

What do you do outside of school?

Outside of school I enjoy running and staying active. I love art, film, music and history and I look forward to travelling more in the future.

Tell us something random about yourself

My first job after my internship in Rwanda was as a Tour Manager at the Haunted Walk of Ottawa, a ghost tour company. Not only did I organize tours and manage guide schedules, I also donned the cape and gave some tours myself!

Find me on:

Twitter: @mollyelle

Program post: Loyalist College, post-graduate public relations

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Choose your own adventure: Getting to know the post-graduate public relations program at Loyalist College

Loyalist PR students at the United Way Fundraiser

Loyalist PR students at the United Way Fundraiser

Author: Ben Cowie

The post-graduate public relations program at Loyalist College is a one-year certificate program. Known among students as “Loyalist PR”, the program is designed for recent post-secondary graduates looking for a professional career path to complement their existing education.

“I appreciate that in this program all experiences are viewed as an asset,” says student Kevin Ashbridge. “I get to build on my University of Ottawa degree, pad my current resume, develop new skills and shape them towards a profession that’s both challenging and exciting to me.”

Practical learning

Loyalist PR is all about hands-on, practical learning paired with students’ own individual interests.
“It’s a bit of a ‘choose your own adventure,’” says University of Western Ontario graduate and Loyalist PR student Ben Cowie. “You’re given the autonomy to choose your own topics of research, areas in which to network, and people to meet. We have no tests or exams. All of our learning is applied into the projects we create.”

Students are taught public relations basics, are encouraged to add their individual styles to assignments and learn how to operate multimedia software like Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. They’re also taught the art of developing social media strategies, brand management programs, internal communications plans, non-profit communication campaigns, event coordination, traditional and online writing and much more. At the end of the program these skills are applied by students during a month-long field placement in Ontario, Canada – or anywhere in the world.

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Making connections

“I approached the program determined to take every opportunity that came my way,” says University of Guelph alumna Katrina White and Loyalist PR graduate 2013/14. “I found the professional association memberships [automatic with registration in the program] particularly useful. IABC and CPRS both hold great events for students.”

“You’ll meet real professionals there to mentor you because they have been in your shoes,” says Queens University graduate and Loyalist PR student Katie Stewart. “The College has connections in so many different industries. Our writing professor worked for the OHL and our program coordinator worked for the RCMP. We have health care connections, graduates who work at places like TIFF, the Ottawa Senators and Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto. The list goes on and on.”

The Loyalist PR program uses industry connections to benefit students on a daily basis and has many networking events throughout the year. In October the class takes a trip to Toronto, while speed networking, professional panels and micro-networking sessions take place regularly.

“Our network of employers and industry partners is growing each year,” says Kerry Ramsay, Loyalist College Professor and post-graduate public relations Program Coordinator. “It is especially rewarding to see so many of our alumni who are now working in the field become brand ambassadors for the program, and mentors for our current students.”

“I never realized just how vast the PR industry is,” says Ben. “It’s encouraging to know there are so many opportunities out there.”

Loyalist PR's social media team is partnering with the Belleville Firefighters' annual Christmas toy drive

Loyalist PR’s social media team is partnering with the Belleville Firefighters’ annual Christmas toy drive

Affordable lifestyle

Loyalist College is located in Belleville, Ontario where students quickly learn benefits of studying in a smaller city setting.

“For me, feeling like a person and not just a number goes a long way towards making me feel valued,” says Ben. “Loyalist PR this year has a class size of 25. We learn what it’s like to work as a team, to support and learn from one another. We are living in a microcosm of the actual PR work environment.”

Belleville is a strategic location for students; its campus located less than an hour’s drive from Kingston and Oshawa. Toronto is only two hours away and is readily accessible by VIA Rail, the 401 and major bus lines.

“Loyalist is a huge part of the Belleville community, and it feels great going to a school so locally involved,” says Julia Vriend, Queens University graduate and student of the program. “Loyalist students are actively involved in partnering with local businesses and charities. It’s nice feeling like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself – like our involvement with the United Way of Quinte and the Belleville Firefighters Toy Drive. We get opportunities to work on real fundraisers for school credit and the community’s benefit.”


Ben Cowie is a student in Loyalist College’s post-graduate public relations program. Find him on:

Twitter: @B9ers

Have questions about the post-graduate public relations program at Loyalist College? Interested in becoming a student for the day? Please contact Kerry Ramsay, Professor and Program Coordinator at or visit


**We are always looking for student submissions! If you would like to contribute to the new student blog, please email Arden at

I purchased my CPRS membership… now what?

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You’ve purchased your CPRS Toronto student membership and are ready to take the next steps? Congratulations! You have just made a tangible effort to advance your career in public relations. Joining a professional association has some great benefits, but sometimes it can be difficult figuring out the best way to get started.

  1. Attend as many events as you can

Making an effort to attend events hosted by CPRS Toronto is a great way to get your foot in the door. You will not only hear from industry professionals, but will also have a chance to network with PR professionals and other students.

As a student member, you get priority registration to all student events. This means when tickets first become available you are able to register right away. This year Passport to PR sold out in three hours and even some student members were not able to buy tickets in time so we encourage you to register right away.

Don’t limit yourself to student events only! CPRS Toronto hosts some great professional development events also open to students. The next PD event, Opportunities from the headlines will be held December 2, 2014.

  1. Break out of your shell

When attending events, be sure to speak to people you may not know. Our industry is filled with outgoing individuals who are more than willing to discuss the industry while giving you an opportunity to learn. Professionals who come to events understand your position as a student and know where you are coming from. Other students are likely feeling the same way you are, so don’t hesitate to walk up to someone and introduce yourself! (That includes members on the Student Steering Committee; we’re here for YOU.

  1. Submit content

A new student initiative is our student blog. Every two weeks we have contests for students’ work to be featured. This is a great opportunity to enhance your writing skills, receive feedback and add to your portfolio. (More information to be revealed tomorrow!)

  1. Utilize CPRS Toronto’s resources

Check the job board to see what organizations are looking for in candidates today. Check out the membership directory for industry contacts, and use CPRS Toronto’s library collection at the Toronto Reference Library for more resources.

  1. Volunteer

CPRS Toronto has many opportunities to volunteer. The Student Steering Committee is made up entirely of student volunteers. The ACE Awards, and CEO Award of the Year are also portfolios that look for volunteers each year.

Let us know: What other ways you’ve become involved with the CPRS Toronto society since purchasing your membership?

Internship post: energi PR

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Practice makes perfect


Charzie and part of the energi team on National Ice Cream Day

Charzie and part of the energi team on National Ice Cream Day


Author: Charzie Abendanio

This summer I had the opportunity to intern at energi PR, a mid-size agency with offices in Toronto and Montreal. During my internship I was able to learn under professionals with extensive backgrounds in healthcare, travel and consumer public relations.

My experience at energi was not out of the ordinary from what other interns go through. I exercised practical and writing skills being taught in classrooms today, such as pitching to the media, blog writing and developing content for social media platforms.

The basic and most important attributes every student should have and develop, in my opinion, aren’t always tangible, new or revolutionary. They are basic concepts that need to be worked on daily with an opportunity to continuously improve them. Knowing your way around the areas I’ve listed below helped me accomplish the tasks and assignments given to me at my internship. Once my internship came to an end, I can say apart from the practical skills, I also learned many life skills which I will continue to use in school and in my future public relations career.


Charzie and the energi team at the Toronto Food Truck Alley on King

Charzie and the energi team at the Toronto Food Truck Alley on King


1. Practice your researching skills

I’ll be the first to admit my researching skills aren’t the greatest and I have a difficult time navigating the Internet to find the right information. I believe this is due to how much information is out there to filter through. One way to develop this skill is to research your own interests and hobbies, teaching you how to determine what good information is versus the most helpful.

2. Practice asking questions

In an ever changing industry like public relations you need to have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. If you are not asking questions you aren’t learning. In the summer I head the word “deck” almost every day and didn’t know what it meant. When I finally asked and learned it means a PowerPoint slideshow I realized there are many nuances in public relations I will come across in my career and may not understand them until I put aside my insecurities and pride to ask.

3. Practice your interpersonal skills

Three months may not be a long time but it is long enough to leave a lasting impression. When I first arrived at energi I wanted to get through the three months by doing my work and completing what was expected from me. I never realized I would work with people I continue to speak with to this day. The ability to listen and following direction, and work well in a team is a reflection of your personality. This leads me to my last and most important point.

4. Practice being you

The person who knows you the most is you! Being honest with yourself helps you become self-aware and contributes to your confidence. My second week I was asked to stand in front of everyone in the boardroom to discuss where I see myself in the industry and what I expected to take from my time at energi. I was so nervous but it gave me the ability to evaluate exactly what kind of PR practitioner I want to be while considering the steps I need to reach my goal.

Take a moment to evaluate yourself and discover your strengths and weaknesses. It can be a process but it allows you to explore who you are and helps direct you to where you want to be.

Charzie Abendanio is CPRS Toronto’s Vice President on the Student Steering Committee. She is a third year student in Humber’s Bachelor of Public Relations program. Find her on:

Twitter: @charziecastillo

**We are always looking for student submissions! If you would like to contribute to the new student blog, please email Arden at

Recruiting interns this year? Know the law.

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Join us for a webinar (view webinar here) with the Ministry of Labour’s Shana Katz, Regional Program Co-ordinator, Employment Standards Program on November 6, 2014 to discuss the sections of the Employment Standards Act that apply to an internship from 12 noon to 12:45 p.m. 


Event post: Passport to PR (Fall Edition)

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CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee kicked this year off with the always popular Passport to PR event. It was our most successful year ever, with over 105 students taking part, tickets selling out in three hours and the event’s hashtag #PassporttoPR trending on Twitter! A big thank you to all of our hosts and student participants in this year’s event. Check out some highlights below:

Group A: APEX Public Relations | Argyle Communications | Rogers Media

Passport to PR proved to be a success again this year as communications students hit the pavement to visit PR offices at some of Toronto’s top organizations. Though this popular event was only offered to lucky students able to secure a spot, the PR lessons learned during the event were shared through social media during the event and at the post-event tweetup.

Students were able to gain some valuable information by learning new media relations techniques from APEX PR, Argyle PR’s new video branding implementation for clients, and the strategy involved in Roger Media’s internal and risk management plans.

Cole Douglas, Vice President External, Student Steering Committee

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Group B: Hill + Knowlton | Shaw Media | Paradigm PR

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It is my third year leading a group for Passport and every year I am so impressed by the quality of information provided by speakers, and by the insightful students so ready to learn!

We learned some interesting things as a group, from Hill + Knowlton explaining their diverse work setting and different departments, to Shaw Media’s take on publicity versus traditional public relations and Paradigm PR’s insight into how to make yourself stand out and hearing from a recent grad.

I also learned that your internship is the place to find love, as Carolyn Abbass slyly mentioned, “If you’re looking for a husband, I found mine during my internship.”

Arden Bagni, President, Student Steering Committee

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Hosts enjoyed some yummy cupcakes from Desmond and Beatrice as a thank you from the committee!


Group C: Strut Entertainment | Ketchum | Edelman

During my time at the three locations, meeting people from Seneca College, Centential College and fellow Humber College students, I learned the following:

Forget everyone that says you can’t do it, because you can.
Creativity is intelligence having fun.
Dive into the deep end and find what you like.
Finally, show up as you, whether it be bold, curious or unique.

Alexandra Zwicker-deSmit, Humber College PR Postgrad Certificate program student

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I haven’t stopped raving about how modern, swanky and inviting Edelman’s Toronto office is. It’s like the kind of dream office space you see in movies! If I had a chance to work at Edelman one day, I wouldn’t care if PR isn’t your typical “9 to 5” kind of job! Other than obsessing over that aspiration, I met a lot of students from Humber and Seneca College who set their sights on an agency environment too. The most important thing I learned was your personal brand and “fit” with the agency is more important than your repertoire of skills since most graduates come out with similar abilities. I would definitely do this event again and want to learn more about how corporate and agency PR differ.

Anthony Ou, Centennial College CCPR postgraduate certificate program student

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Group D: TELUS | Metrolinx | LCBO

This was my first Passport to PR event and I was lucky enough to lead an exceptional group of 15 students. All locations offered an array of industry knowledge and experience. My only regret during the event is wishing I could have seen ALL 21 locations. The main theme that resonated with me is PR professionals do not follow one true path leading them to their careers. Students will need a combination of hard work, networking and a little bit of luck to end up where they want to be!

Charzie Abendanio, Vice President, Student Steering Committee

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Passport is an excellent event providing an insider’s glimpse into corporate communications and public relations at three distinct companies. Each company provided a great overview of the range of opportunities available within corporate communications and PR. Gabriel Mederos, senior communications manager – social media at TELUS told us about the importance of social media and its integration in everything they do. Metolinx’s communications co-ordinators Natalie Tutunzis and Vindra Dhanraj gave a great presentation about internal and external strategic communications. The LCBO’s Heather MacGregor (media relations co-ordinator and communications consultant) and Bill Kennedy (executive director, corporate communications) discussed the importance of understanding and aligning with business goals. And yes, we did end up talking about our favourite drinks! I think the best part of the presentations was that they covered things we learn in class – the importance of research, setting measurable goals and knowing your audience. It is great to know the skills we are learning in the classroom will be applicable when we start our careers. Great job CPRS Student Steering Committee!

Jess MacGregor, Centennial College CCPR postgraduate certificate program student

Students from as far as Conestoga came to enjoy the event!

Students from as far as Conestoga came to enjoy the event!


Group E: energi PR | NATIONAL Public Relations | North Strategic

NATIONAL is the place to be. After touring the stunning office and meeting Sarah Bannoff and Noor Marzook my heart is set on working in agency. The multitude of sectors including marketing and healthcare intrigued me and opened my eyes to the goodwill that can come from health-related PR.

This agency captures professionalism and fun, after all, life is a balancing act. The motto “work hard, play hard” at NATIONAL is a motto they live by, especially with a bar located on the main floor. Thanks for the tour and you will absolutely be getting my resume.

– Sinead McElhinney, Humber College PR Postgrad Certificate program student

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Who knew bathroom products could be so intriguing? Noor Marzook, senior consultant, marketing communications at NATIONAL Public Relations convinced me that with a creative, hard working team, anything is possible!

Before Passport to PR, I never thought about going into marketing communications. After sitting in NATIONAL’s presentation, I discovered how diverse agency is. There are endless opportunities for growth and experience. Noor talked about Kohler‘s marketing campaign, which promoted the launch of their new products. Her passion about her work has motivated me to learn more about her work and responsibilities.

Thanks to Passport to PR, I can look forward to connecting with her in the future.

Lauren Mueller, Humber College PR Postgrad Certificate program student

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Group F: Pilot PMR | Corus Entertainment | Strategic Objectives

If I could give one piece of advice to all PR students it would be to attend CPRS Toronto’s Passport to PR event. It will teach you things you cannot learn in the classroom and give you a real, in-depth look into what it is like to work in PR. Even though your mind might be set on a certain path, Passport can open your eyes to a new world within public relations. Many of my group members were not even considering working at an agency but after hearing our speakers at Strategic Objectives, it is now their first choice!

Matthew Palmer, Student Representative, Student Steering Committee

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Coming from Centennial College, Passport to PR was a great opportunity to meet PR students from other schools, connect with more people and build my network! My group leader, Matt was super organized and made the event lots of fun! It was exciting to learn more about the industry. As I’m only in first year, I haven’t had the chance to experience first hand what public relations does in the real world. The biggest thing I learned when visiting these three amazing places was the difference between corporate and agency. Initially I was planning on staying away from agency employment, but Strategic Objectives changed my mind and I know I wasn’t the only one in group F who started to warm up to the idea of an agency!

Kate Perkins, First year student in Centennial College’s Bachelor of PR Management program

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Group G: Veritas | TIFF | TD Canada Trust

My favourite stop of the day was Veritas. From the second we walked in, you could feel the cool vibe of the agency. The boardroom was all set up for us, with music playing and breakfast and coffee. Sue Kuruvilla, Ashley Therriault, and Lena Hesse shared their varied experiences in a very genuine way. I loved learning about Veritas’ unique take on public relations, “Influencing the Influencers,” and the new Growth & Innovation lab. My brain was left spinning with excitement as we walked out the door, but one thought came to the forefront, “Wow, I would just love to work there.”

Carolyn Gooderham, Seneca College Corporate Communications Certificate program student

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I was lucky enough to visit three very different PR atmospheres during my time at Passport to PR. Ranging from the small boutique agency of Pilot PMR, to corporate communications and publicity at Corus Entertainment and ending with the award-winning Strategic Objectives. Each stop had motivating and inspiring advice for newcomers to the world of PR, but a few choice quotes resonated with me, and I will be carrying them throughout my career.

“Don’t work in isolation. Collaborating makes you smarter.”
“Don’t be distracted by shiny objects, and the next big thing.”
“Your job is to dream big, and do it differently.”
“Challenge yourself, and stay news hungry.”

Passport to PR opened up the doors to a world of possibilities, and reassured me that mentors are waiting, and wanting to help us succeed once we step out into the PR world. Thank you CPRS for such an amazing event.

– Brittney Newstead, Humber College PR Postgrad Certificate program student

Oh, and don’t forget to tune into our tweetup at the end of every Passport to PR event, or you may end up sad like Anthony:

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Check out some more photos from the event below.

*Photo credit: Peter May

Where are they now? – Nicholas Cahill

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Where are they now? Past Student Steering Committee Members tell us their story

Our new series explores the lives of past Student Steering Committee members. Stay tuned for more!


Nicholas Cahill
Centennial College Certificate of Corporate Communications and Public Relations

What did you do on the CPRS SSC?

I was a representative for Centennial College. I had the opportunity to lead a group of students on Passport to PR, and provided support in various roles for 360 and Building Media Relationships

What post-secondary education did you take?

I took a Certificate in Corporate Communications and Public Relations from Centennial College (congratulations to Donna Lindell and Barry Waite on their recent promotions!)

What did you enjoy most about being on the SSC?

The events were obviously great — I particularly liked Passport to PR and 360— but it was also great to meet people from different schools. PR is a growing industry, but it is also a small world — It’s virtually guaranteed I’ll be working with people I met while working with the SSC at some point in my career.

The fact is, the CPRS events are a showcase for up-and-coming talent in PR. The people who seek out networking and professional development events are typically the people that will bring that level of dedication and focus to their careers once they move on. So you know when you’re at a CPRS event you are in amongst the cream of the crop.

Where do you work now and what do you do?

After completing an internship in Content Strategy at Deloitte as part of my program, I transitioned to a permanent role as a coordinator in the marketing delivery group. My role consists mainly of managing the finer details of events and marketing communications collateral.

How do you think CPRS helped advance your career or readied you for your current position?

In addition to creating a low-stress environment to develop networking skills, CPRS provided me with leadership opportunities and access to veterans in the business. I’ve made connections with established professionals across industries, and those connections have served me well. When you’re part of a pool of people who are all graduating at the same time with the same credentials, putting a face to a name, shaking a hand and establishing a presence are crucial to getting a leg up when applying for full time positions.

Please tell us something interesting or random about yourself

I am probably the tallest person you’ve ever met.

Find me on:

Twitter: @CahillNi

Student Steering Committee Profile: Matisse

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Meet your 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee!

Over the next few months, we will be posting profiles of CPRS Toronto’s 2014/2015 Student Steering Committee Student Representatives. Stay tuned for more!


Matisse Hamel-Nelis, Student Rep
Durham College, Public Relations Fast-Tracked

Welcome to the new student blog where we students will be giving our tips and tricks for success while sharing our experiences as we navigate our studies and break into the PR world. This is my first year being part of CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee, but I have been a member of the organization since my first year of study.

Where are you from?

I live in Oshawa, Ont., but have lived all over the Toronto area.

What are you most excited for this year?

The Passport to PR event and opportunities to network with other students and industry professionals are what excite me most about this upcoming year.

Have you interned anywhere?

I have been working in the Communications and Marketing department at Durham College as a communications assistant for five months – learning the ins-and-outs of internal and external communications for a post-secondary institution.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be working in communications for a college or university. The idea of helping build and maintain a school’s image while creating unique campaigns is something that fits perfectly with my love of public relations.

What do you do outside of school?

Outside the classroom and work I’m involved with the Children’s Wish Foundation, the Society of Media, Art & Design, and the Experience DC campaign at Durham College, which has given 15 students the chance to share their college experience through social media for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Tell us something random about yourself

I’m in love with minions from the movie Despicable Me. It’s a bit of a running joke now amongst my friends and family that whenever a holiday comes up, at least one person will add to the minion pile I have.

Find me on:

Twitter: @matissesays
Personal blog:

Event Post: CPRS Toronto’s Annual Open House

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CPRS Toronto’s annual Open House – October 15, 2014

Tune in for our blog series featuring some of the great event CPRS Toronto and the CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee host!


CPRS Toronto opened the new year with a bang at the annual Open House. Held at the Bedford Academy in downtown Toronto, students, professionals, members and non-members alike came together.





Katryna Fernandes, a Student Representative on CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee, writes about her first experience at a CPRS event:

“A first-time CPRS member and a fairly new addition to the PR community, I was excited and nervous for my first networking event at the Open House. I had the pleasure of chatting with a few industry professionals and each conversation had me in awe of the many available opportunities I have as a student entering the industry. Chatting with these professionals from a variety of backgrounds really opened my eyes to the many career paths available, and showed me how close-knit the CPRS community really is.


“As a member of the Student Steering Committee, a really cool aspect of attending was meeting other student members, many also newbies like myself. I enjoyed the stimulating discussions with other post-graduate students comparing our programs, ambitions and interests inside and outside the industry. It was also great receiving feedback on the committee’s upcoming event, Passport to PR. By the sounds of it, many students are really excited to explore Toronto’s PR scene, and get a grasp of what they may be interested in.

“Overall, I had a wonderful time at the Open House. Everyone at CPRS is extremely friendly and I am thrilled to be a new member of this community!”




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Jessica Orchard, a recent graduate, gives us her account of her first CPRS event:

“My degree and certificate in Communication Studies tell me I am a professional communicator, but these two pieces of paper don’t boost my confidence and invigorate my soul the way a gathering of CPRS members can!


“My professors at Seneca College urged me to sign up as a member with the CPRS at the beginning of our program. They highlighted the many benefits of getting involved with a society of other professionals, or as Ashley refers to them in her tweet as ‘awesome perks!’


“Although I am more of an introvert, I attended the Open House on my own. I was slightly apprehensive when I arrived, but my attitude quickly shifted. The speeches didn’t begin immediately, giving me time to network. Networking can seem daunting if you aren’t used to it, but it wasn’t hard since everyone offered their hand and name as soon as I looked at them.

“An example of how welcoming the CPRS Toronto members are can be seen in the following tweets from Hilary and Cole.


“I had the pleasure of meeting them at the event, speaking to them about their experiences and discussing my goals. Hilary and I share a hometown outside of Toronto, which made her insight of finding work in the city very valuable! When I mentioned I am most interested in working in the non-profit sector, they were quick to introduce me to other CPRS members who currently work in that industry. It was incredible to see how much the other CPRS members cared about my success.

The saying “you get what you give” does not apply to the CPRS. The fact is that you get more than you give! My initial plan was to show up for an hour or two and then leave, but I lost track of time and stayed until 10 p.m. when almost everyone else was gone. The CPRS members reinvigorated my passion for communication, offered useful advice, and have opened up new opportunities for me. Now that I’ve finally been to my first CPRS event, I cannot wait to attend the next one!”

What was your favourite part about CPRS Toronto’s Open House this year?

















Katryna Fernandes is a Student Representative on CPRS Toronto’s Student Steering Committee. She is a student in Centennial College’s Corporate Communications Post-Graduate Certificate program. Find her on:

Twitter: @_katiefernandes

Jessica Orchard is a recent graduate from Seneca College’s Corporate Communications Post-Graduate Certificate program. Find her on:

Twitter: @JessicaOrchard3

Photo Credit: Peter May