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Event Recap: Passport to PR

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Three valuable tips I learned from Passport to PR

Passport to PR is one of the CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee’s most highly anticipated events of the year. Students are given the opportunity to visit three agencies or organizations in the downtown core and learn from their PR teams. The group I led visited an interesting mix of two agencies and an international organization: Strategic Objectives, Coca-Cola and Pilot PMR.

Here are the top three tips I learned from PR pros during the November 2016 edition of the event.


  1. Internship interviews require a lot of preparation.

The team at Strategic Objectives recommended researching as much as you can about any organization you’re interested in working with in the future. Take the time to read about their current and past work, get familiar with their social media accounts and read up on the key players on their team. They also stressed that confidence is very important. You need to know exactly how you want to present yourself and what key messages you want to communicate.


  1. Keep a “roll up your sleeves” attitude at work.

Next on our agenda was Coca Cola. When asked how students can make themselves stand out during internships or volunteer opportunities, both agreed that it was to make sure you have a “roll up your sleeves” attitude at all times. It’s an asset to have a positive attitude and to always be prepared for any job your boss or co-worker hands to you. They emphasized that this crucial characteristic will allow you to challenge yourself and grow as a person.


  1. Get as much experience as you can.

Last but not least, our group visited the offices of Pilot PMR. There we learned the importance of getting as much experience in the PR industry as you possibly can, in order to find out what you do and don’t want for your career. Although most volunteer opportunities are not compensated, they are a great way to earn on-the-job experience when you’re new to the PR industry.


On the whole, Passport to PR was an immensely rewarding experience. The lessons I learned from the PR pros were invaluable and will help me as I strive to become the best PR professional I can be.


The Student Steering Committee’s next edition of Passport to PR will be taking place on Thursday, March 9, 2017. I hope to see you there!


About the author:

Mary Aloia is in her second year of Humber College’s Bachelor of Public Relations program and currently serves as the CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee’s Vice President of Internal.

Twitter: @maryaloia

Where are they now?

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Featuring Charzie Abendanio, Account Coordinator at APEX Public Relations Inc. and past President of the CPRS Toronto Student Steering Committee 2015-2016

What did you enjoy most about being on the SSC? 

What I looked forward to the most when being part of the SSC team was the opportunity to meet students from across the GTA during the class talks at the beginning of the school year. I was able to visit classrooms in Seneca, Humber, Centennial, Loyalist and Ryerson.

During the class presentations, I shared my knowledge, advice and passion for the public relations industry, which I continue to do today.

Where do you work now and what do you do? 

Today, I am an account coordinator at APEX PR supporting clients from across the corporate and consumer sectors. However, the journey I took to find myself where I am today was a whirlwind but also an experience I am very grateful for.

I initially interned at several Toronto PR agencies, which included energi PR, Weber Shandwick and Edelman. At the end of last summer I was offered an opportunity by APEX PR to work for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo on the Recovery Task Force in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

My main responsibility on the Task Force was to support the Public Information Officer and communications department as the community of Wood Buffalo was going through recovery after facing the largest Wildfire in Canadian history.

How do you think CPRS Toronto helped advance your career or get you ready for your current position?

Every relationship I developed throughout my time with the SSC and at my internships was imperative to the opportunities that came my way.

The PR community is small and the connections we make are as important as interviews. My advice for PR students is: treat every interaction you have with a communications professional as an opportunity to learn about them and a chance to help guide your own career path. The opportunities that come from that will be endless and you can find the best position that aligns with your passion and goals.

Twitter: @charziecastillo





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As public relations practitioners, we build relationships so we can invoke change – to affect outputs, outcomes and business results.  According to Hon and Grunig (1999)1: Outputs are usually the immediate results of a particular PR program, often in the form of media coverage, awareness and exposure;   Outcomes: measure whether target audience groups actually received, paid attention to, understood and retained the messages; Business results are commonly recognized as effects that make a direct contribution toward the organization’s goals and objectives.

One go-to tactic is media relations – measuring output success with volume, key message placement, share of voice and tonality. What about the results that are not covered by mainstream media – that are targeted to smaller audiences or issues we want to remain out of the headlines?

We want to recognize your hard work in these areas.  Apply for an Ace Award.
•    Employee Engagement / Internal Communications Campaign of the Year
Purpose: Recognizes exemplary employee engagement and/or internal communication programs that improved employee-management relations, strengthened employee communities and/or successfully administered change management.

•    Investor / Financial Relations Campaign of the Year Purpose: Recognizes outstanding communications work targeted toward investors, shareholders and other financial audiences.

•    Crisis or Issues Management Campaign of the Year Purpose: Recognizes effective crisis and/or issues management work through the use of strategic public relations.


President’s Message: 2017 YOU’VE ARRIVED – THANK GOODNESS!

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The year of the Fire Rooster is upon us and since it only comes every 60 years, let’s make our mark! Efficient hard work filled with integrity is the key to meeting goals and achieving success this year1.  We are looking forward to another successful year at CPRS Toronto, with an enthusiastic team on the Board of Directors working on some exciting projects.


The 2017 ACE Awards have been announced and the deadline will be here before you know it, so get started and submit your awe-inspiring campaigns and be recognized by your peers.  Want to display your hard work at Illuminate 2017? The Jan. 30 deadline to be part of the 2017 Research program in Kelowna, is a few weeks away.


We will also have a robust calendar of professional development events, so stay tuned for more details in the coming months!



Danielle Kelly, APR

Erica Silver, APR, MA

Co-Presidents, CPRS Toronto




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2016 was a doozy! But a lot of hard work was accomplished, so why not reflect on your past achievements and celebrate with an Ace Award!  Display your hard work and strategic success with your peers – a room of industry pros and innovators!

The annual ACE Awards recognize communications excellence in the public relations industry. It’s not too late to apply, though the deadline is fast approaching.

Get started on your entry today and be sure to make that early bird deadline on February 3. Also, don’t forget to mark May 2nd in your busy agendas for this year’s gala!

More information on eligibility, submission requirements and campaign entry categories is available on the CPRS Toronto website.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

2017 Key Dates

  • February 03, 2017 – Early Bird Submission Deadline
  • February 24, 2017 – Full Submission Deadline
  • February 27, 2017 – Leadership Award Submission Deadline
  • May 2, 2017 – ACE Awards Gala

Enter at!

Questions? e-mail

We Want You! Volunteer Today!

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Giving to others makes you healthier and happier – but it can also bring you valuable learning experiences, enhance skill sets and provide an opportunity to try something new.

Don’t get a chance to test your writing chops in your job – why not volunteer to write a blog post?

Or maybe you aren’t getting enough field experience – how about helping out at one of our events?

Or maybe you are ready to take your career to the next level – why not volunteer for the Board?

There are many diverse opportunities to help out CPRS Toronto, while making a contribution to your industry.

For more information and to be considered for future opportunities, please fill in the survey.

We Want You! Volunteer Today!

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Giving to others makes you healthier and happier – but it can also bring you valuable learning experiences, enhance skill sets and provide an opportunity to try something new.

Don’t get a chance to test your writing chops in your job – why not volunteer to write a blog post?

Or maybe you aren’t getting enough field experience – how about helping out at one of our events?

Or maybe you are ready to take your career to the next level – why not volunteer for the Board?

There are many diverse opportunities to help out CPRS Toronto, while making a contribution to your industry.

For more information and to be considered for future opportunities, please fill in the survey.

We Want You! Volunteer Today!

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Giving to others makes you healthier and happier – but it can also bring you valuable learning experiences, enhance skill sets and provide an opportunity to try something new.

Don’t get a chance to test your writing chops in your job – why not volunteer to write a blog post?

Or maybe you aren’t getting enough field experience – how about helping out at one of our events?

Or maybe you are ready to take your career to the next level – why not volunteer for the Board?

There are many diverse opportunities to help out CPRS Toronto, while making a contribution to your industry.

For more information and to be considered for future opportunities, please fill in the survey.

How the Trump Presidency Could Impact Canada

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By now, most of us are familiar with Donald Trump’s bold, in-your-face campaign to “Make America Great Again.” While Trump seems to have toned down his approach since winning the Presidential election, it’s a certainty that Canadian relations with our southern neighbour are about to change. After all, the President-elect was accurately predicted by an episode of “The Simpsons” 16 years ago.

One of the most shocking moments for me (of which there were many during Trump’s campaign), was when a 2012 tweet from Trump’s twitter account came to the surface, where he stated that “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” The incoming president has openly denied climate change, and his policies could not be more different than that of his predecessor, President Obama. They could also not be more different than that of Justin Trudeau.

Trump has promised to scrap Obama’s Clean Power Plan, a policy implemented last summer to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He’s even mentioned cancelling the Paris Accord, a global climate change agreement signed last year. Meanwhile, in Canada, Trudeau is pushing forward with a controversial carbon tax to be implemented by 2018, as well as the phasing out of coal power by 2030.

Another environmental policy that will likely be on Trump’s chopping block is the North American Climate, Clean Energy, and Environment Partnership, an agreement made by Obama, Trudeau, and Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto in 2016. A key goal of this partnership is to generate at least 50% of power from clean sources by 2025, which is again, the opposite of Trump’s environmental agenda. Given that Trump threatened to build a wall across America’s border with Mexico, he won’t be staying in the partnership just for friendship.

If Trump does pull the U.S. out of the environmental partnership with Canada and Mexico, the policy won’t crumble apart though. Canada and Mexico still have a strong relationship, evidenced by the recent lift on Visas for Mexicans entering Canada, and the Mexican government ending a ban on the import of Canadian beef. The two countries will remain aligned, but without participation of the United States, the ambitious clean energy goal of the partnership will not be reached by 2025.

While reaching the goals made at the North American summit are dependent on the participation of the USA, Trudeau’s aggressive climate change policies within Canada may help combat some of the setbacks Trump implements. Despite widespread criticism of the carbon tax, Trudeau is moving forward with it. Alberta’s premier Notley initially vowed to reject the tax, unless Trudeau approved more pipelines. Hard hit by a slumping oil industry, Alberta was right to demand something in return for their support.

Earlier this week, Trudeau approved two pipeline projects, gaining support for his carbon tax from Notley. This was a smart move for the Prime Minister, because being the oil producing province, Alberta is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the country. While it remains to be seen what the effects are from the carbon tax, without Alberta’s support, it’s unlikely the tax would have a positive impact on the Canadian environment.

Meanwhile, in the United States, Trump is a coal supporter, and his promises to bring jobs back to the industry helped him gain the support of those in the declining coal industry. According to a 2015 study, over 50,000 jobs in the coal industry were lost between 2008-2012, providing the President-elect with a strong base of voters to support his platform. The planned increase of U.S. coal production is concerning for the air quality of Canadian border towns, specifically those in Ontario and Alberta, as coal production in the U.S. is highest in bordering states with these provinces. It’s doubtful that Trump can rebuild the industry to what it once was. Demand for U.S. coal worldwide has declined significantly, with exports decreasing by 23% in 2015. With the decrease in demand, the coal industry will not be the savior of American jobs that Trump had promised.

While Trump may set Canada back on its emissions reductions goals, Canada will continue to move forward with its environmental agenda. Despite criticism of Trudeau’s policies, the timing could not be better for taking a strong stance on protecting the environment. In combination with a strong global alignment for climate change action, the environment in Canada should not be negatively impacted by the new president.

Amy Hayman

Amy is a Commerce graduate working in the insurance industry, and is currently studying Public Relations in Toronto.


Event Recap: Content Strategy with Fifth Story

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On October 20th Fifth Story held14753654_1301984683169710_299966347841693953_o an open house for CPRS Toronto at Workhaus and through a dynamic presentation, shared insights for creating compelling video content, and the top tips brands need to know to create engagement.

By injecting humour and high end visuals, Fifth Story’s Shelley Middlebrook and Paul Abrams kept the room entertained as they counted down the rules of engagement that organizations must embrace if they are to cut through a cluttered marketplace, and engage their audiences.

Fifth Story tells us, with 110 trillion pieces of original content created every year, you’ve got 8 seconds to capture the attention of the consumer. Their solution? Add value through Emotional Storytelling.


With a multi-platform focus, brands need to reach consumers on all channels with consistency and repetition, on earned, paid and owned media. But there is an opportunity to cater messages to specific channels and target and amplify key messages with appropriate and proven tactics. Using an integrated approach and compelling written words, audio and video, you can drive brand awareness and start the conversation.

For more great ideas and tips, check out @5FifthStory